132 kV optical voltage sensor for wide area monitoring, protection and control applications

Grzegorz Fusiek, Pawel Niewczas, Neil Gordon, Philip Orr, Paul Clarkson

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

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This paper reports on the design, construction and initial testing of a fiber-optic voltage sensor for applications in the field of wide area monitoring, protection and control of high voltage power networks. The 132-kV sensor prototype, combining a capacitive voltage divider (CVD) and an optical low voltage transducer (LVT), was evaluated through laboratory testing and its performance was assessed based on the accuracy requirements specified by the IEC standards for low-power passive voltage transformers. The preliminary results show that the device has the potential to comply with the requirements of the 0,2 class for metering devices, and the 3P and 0,5P classes for protective and multipurpose devices, respectively, as specified by IEC 61869-11. As the device is based on a fiber Bragg grating written in a standard, low-loss, single-mode telecommunication fiber, it has the potential to be deployed as part of a distributed network of sensors along the power network over a wide geographical area, enabling novel power system protection and control strategies.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - 25 May 2020
EventIEEE International Instrumentation & Measurement Technology Conference - Dubrovnik, Croatia
Duration: 25 May 202028 May 2020


ConferenceIEEE International Instrumentation & Measurement Technology Conference
Abbreviated titleI2MTC


  • fiber Bragg grating
  • optical voltage sensor
  • power system instrumentation
  • capacitive voltage divider


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