我国政商关系中的双重嵌入及其解释: 基于沿海五省私营企业的实证研究

Translated title of the contribution: Understanding the double-embeddedness in government-business relations: findings based on a five-province survey in China

Narisong Huhe, Jie Chen

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This study intends to examine the government-business relationship in China. Drawing on the concept of embeddedness, this study argues that given the particular reform environments, Chinese private entrepreneurs are face “double-embeddedness”: a government-driven political embeddedness and a market-driven economic embeddedness. Based on data from a five-province survey of private entrepreneurs, we find the survey enterprises vary significantly across these two forms of embeddedness, and they seem to complement each other. Generally, large private enterprises and entrepreneurs who had worked in government tend have higher levels of political embeddedness.
Translated title of the contributionUnderstanding the double-embeddedness in government-business relations: findings based on a five-province survey in China
Original languageChinese
JournalPublic Policy and Governance
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 5 Sept 2016


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