Winston Churchill Memorial Fellowship

Project: Research Fellowship

Project Details


The aim of the project is to establish firm and authentic contacts with numerous educational institutions world-wide to create a hub of primary and secondary schools across different continents that can digitally collaborate to form a global STEM club.

I already have existing professional connections in North & South America, Africa and Europe, therefore this fellowship seeka to develop ties to STEM ambassadors in schools in Asia and Australasia, namely Japan and Australia respectively.

In doing so I hope to:
1. Work with new ambassadors to share ideas on STEM outreach to gain insight into their best practices and how they strive to achieve equity in attainment in their local area.
2. Create a Wikispace classroom to host and organise collaborative interschool activities.
3. Establish a global network for schools in the West Dunbartonshire area to foster knowledge exchange (STEM or otherwise)
4. Communicate progress via school blogs, learned societies and publication.
Short titleCollaborative scientific learning across continents through global interschool engagement
Effective start/end date1/04/1831/12/19


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