Phase 1 will carry out a detailed review of LV DC network requirements from a UK DNO point of view and determine the optimal scope for Phase 2 as below based upon the latest learnings that are available from across the world. This includes:
•A literature review on latest technical and commercial learnings available for LV DC distribution networks from around the world. This will include protection requirements on both network and customer sides and the impact on existing network earthing.
•Desktop modelling of the expected capacity release and potential losses improvements that could be achieved by operating the existing LV AC circuits at DC under different applications using case studies of real network within SPD.
•Modelling of the transient and steady state performance of LV DC networks under fault conditions to inform protection requirements at different voltages and fed by different converter topologies.
•Developing technical specification requirements for LVDC DNO networks.
•Developing technical specifications and laboratory test schedule for the cable testing planned within Phase 2.
•Market review of the available cable testing facilities that could be used within Phase 2 based upon requirements set out by the technical specification for LV cable testing at DC.