Towards rapid and versatile biosensor manufacturing using 3D printing technology

  • Blair, Ewen (Co-investigator)
  • Zeng, Quanren (Principal Investigator)
  • Tian, Yankang (Co-investigator)
  • Taladriz Sender, Andrea (Co-investigator)

Project: Internally funded project

Project Details


Manufacturing biosensors remains a challenge, as the vast majority are lab-based systems not suitable for mass manufacture. However, Laser Metal Deposition (LMD) is a new and flexible method for 3D-printing additive manufacturing, well positioned to meet this task. We aim to arrive at an optimal method of employing LMD to fabricate biosensors

Layman's description

Biosensors are devices capable of rapidly diagnosing a person with an illness or informing a person of a condition, instead of relying on blood tests and clinical laboratories. They are ideally handheld and use only a very small patient sample. An example is a pregnancy test. A lot of research as been dedicated to developing such tests for conditions such as cancer, sepsis, tuberculosis and so on. Unfortunately, although many of these have been proven in the lab, mass production of them is very challenging with current manufacturing methods. We want to apply a cutting edge, newly developed process called Laser Metal Deposition (LMD) to biosensor fabrication. This process essentially 3D prints metal structures and is extremely fast and versatile, and is a promising candidate to help alleviate this manufacturing bottleneck.
Effective start/end date1/11/1930/10/20


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