The Pronunciamiento in Independent Mexico 1821 - 1876

Project: Projects from Previous Employment

Project Details


The three-year project on “The Pronunciamiento in Independent Mexico 1821-1876” was funded by the AHRC (Arts and Humanities Research Council) (2007-2010). It was led by Professor Will Fowler and comprised a team made up of two research fellows (Dr Natasha Picột [Nottingham] and Dr Germán Martínez Martínez [Essex]), two PhD students (Rosie Doyle and Kerry McDonald), and a designer / database developer (Sean Dooley). A further three PhD students worked on related topics under Professor Fowler’s supervision (Shara Ali, Melissa Boyd and Ana Romero Valderrama). The ultimate goals of the project were:

To produce a major on-line relational database that includes transcriptions of over 1,500 pronunciamientos
To publish three edited volumes on the origins, experience and memory of these forceful petitions
To enable the PhD students to complete their dissertations successfully
To assist Professor Fowler in collating the data that was to then be analysed in his monograph on the subject.

Key findings
StatusNot started


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