The Clients and Cases of the Strathclyde Law Clinic 2003-2017: Who is Accessing Justice?

Project: Internally funded project

Project Details


This competitive funding was awarded through the Research Internship programme at Strathclyde, 2017-2018, for 8 weeks of fulltime research. This project involved supervision of an UG student over a summer project. The research revealed crucial data about the nature of Strathclyde Law Clinic clients, cases and casework, and highlighted shortcomings in the case management system with important implications for Clinic management, strategy, and Data Protection compliance. The work was disseminated through a poster, pamphlet, and reports to the Law Clinic Executive Committee, and has impacted on the way case data is handled, stored and analysed by the Law Clinic.
Effective start/end date1/01/1731/12/18


  • Law Clinic
  • Access to Justice


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