STEM Equals- Rational design of novel microfluidics devices for evaluating nanomedicine in vitro biological fate

Project: Research - Internally Allocated

Project Details


Nanotechnology in health has emerged as a promising solution to addressing unmet clinical need. While demonstrating significant promise and industrial uptake- pipeline attrition rates for nanomedicines remain high, significantly hampering the bench-to-clinic translation of nanomedicines. This is in part due to a lack of models adequately measuring and predicting biological fate. This project uses computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to aid the rational design of microfluidics devices mimicking human blood vasculature. It is anticipated that using CFD, we will be able to design more physiologically-relevant models of blood flow that can be used in the evaluation of nanomedicine biological fate.


£5K funding
Effective start/end date1/08/2030/09/21


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