Providing the 30% recycled content for food packaging (PFP) An Integrated Stakeholder Approach to Solving ‘Hard to Recycle’ Plastic Packaging

Project: Research

Project Details


CoI on a UK/EU interdisciplinary project addressing the systemic problem of plastic waste. Our research offers fresh insights into people's perspectives on recycling and how consumers (UK, Spain, Germany) engage with surface markers on plastic packaging in their households, a neglected but important site for managing waste. This project thus moves beyond the technical infrastructure of waste management and design of products to address people's perceptions and behaviour with plastic packaging in their everyday life and how COVID-19 might have impacted on perceptions and behaviours (specifically in relation to retain, reuse). This ambitious project will position the UK at the forefront of innovation in sorting hard- to- recycle plastics and integrates technical, business, policy, and consumer focused elements which allows us to examine perspectives of stake holders across the plastic packaging supply chain. PFP promises to be a transformative programme of work which will help the UK to meet the Plastics challenge. Industry partners include PlasticsEurope, Professor Edward Kosior (Nextek Ltd and Nextloopp consortium of global brands). Funder: Enabling Research in Smart Sustainable Plastic Packaging UKRI/NERC / Innovate UK. £453,074.84
Effective start/end date1/01/2131/12/22


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