Postgraduate Research Methods Training for Marketing

  • Harker, Michael John (Co-investigator)
  • Wilson, Juliette (Principal Investigator)
  • Murdy, Samantha (Principal Investigator)
  • Evanschitzky, Heiner (Co-investigator)
  • Stringfellow, Lyndsey (Co-investigator)

Project: Research

Project Details


This project is examining the past and present of research methods training for postgraduate research students in marketing in respect of historical and current trends and provision of training within doctoral programmes.

Layman's description

This project is examining the past and present of research methods training for postgraduate research students in marketing in respect of historical and current trends and provision of training within doctoral programmes.
Short titleResearch Methods for Marketing
Effective start/end date7/07/1716/11/18


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