Pharmaceutical Services Based on Primary Care in Minas Gerais: evaluation of services and medicines provision and of use of medicines. MedMinas Project

  • Chama, Tatiana (Principal Investigator)
  • Barros Cota, Betania (Academic)
  • Carvalho, Liliany Mara Silva (Post Grad Student)
  • Alves, Jessica Castro (Post Grad Student)
  • Bueno, Maria Angelica (Post Grad Student)
  • Sarvel, Ana Karine (Technician)
  • Marques, Isabela (Technician)

Project: Projects from Previous Employment

Project Details


Mixed Methods Study with a sample of primary healthcare users, managers and healthcare providers in selected municipalities of Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Aims to describe drugs prescribed and dispensed within Primary health care and to assess medicine availability, use and spending patterns, perceptions of social capital, health status, comorbidities and whether pharmaceutical services Programmes are fulfilling their goals.
Short titleMedMinas Project
Effective start/end date1/03/181/03/21


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