Peer Network Strategy as a defining approach to Strathclyde Academic Development

  • Savage, Katy (Principal Investigator)

    Project: Non-funded project

    Project Details


    The Leadership Network is an example of my championing of a particular network of high strategic value. However, my strategy within Strathclyde has impacted more widely and evidences my commitment to the creation of cross-University learning communities achieved through the generation of Peer Support Networks (PSN). To date, I have implemented PSNs to support HEA Fellowship applications, Technology-Enhanced Learning, Pedagogy and Publication, Playful Learning, and Leadership in Learning and Teaching. Under my direction and guidance, PSNs have become a defining feature of the Strathclyde approach to academic development.

    As I gained experience and expertise in PSNs and their value, I shared my practice with others in the sector thus extending further the reach of my practice. SHED enabled me to impact on the 19 HEIs which form that community (Scottish Higher Education Developers) network and to influence more widely through its 25th Anniversary Year Book. In addition, success of the PSN strategy led to a successful collaborative bid for an Advance HE GPG Research Grant to evaluate the effectiveness of such networks at Strathclyde and GCU, and to develop a toolkit that would allow others in the sector to successfully implement Peer Support Networks. The toolkit contains a suite of resources, including a full project report, infographic, video, podcast, and a series of template documents to support others in getting started – again demonstrating my external reach into the wider HE sector.

    A number of outputs have arisen from my vision for PSNs. The Playful Learning Network presented at one of the University’s annual L&T days. This allowed them to showcase their work, influence others, and gain further support for their network. This participation showcased and highlighted the advantages of the PSN structure.

    In the Pedagogy and Publication network, my vision was to be an advocate and champion within the institution for research and scholarship in L&T. I set out to establish a growing network to support scholarship. Under my guidance and leadership, I was effective in bringing together interested individuals to discuss what they had done, what they were interested in doing, and what support they needed to get there. The outcome was a demonstrable increase in the number of research and scholarship collaborations which led on to the successful delivery and dissemination of projects including at disciplinary educational conferences. I was able to bring resources together to support this network. For example I secured the ringfencing of 4 "Research Interns @ Strathclyde" funding for L&T projects. My championing of this network and its outputs and achievements, and the inclusion of individuals in the annual L&T event has raised the profile and value of scholarship at Strathclyde.

    “One of Strathclyde’s guiding values is to be people oriented. Katy’s strategic actions in creating peer networks which build community, confidence and collaboration demonstrate her thoughtful, energetic and high-achieving leadership, generating impact across all areas of the University.”
    Debbie Willison, Professor of Learning and Teaching at Strathclyde
    Effective start/end date4/04/16 → …


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    • Southampton Solent University

      Savage, K. (Visiting researcher)

      2 Feb 2022

      Activity: Visiting an external institution typesVisiting an external academic institution