Pathways for Equal access to the Energy Research Sector

Project: Research

Project Details


Ensuring equality and diversity in higher education begins with assembling a diverse learning community. Graduate Apprenticeships were set up to create new pathways into engineering for people from different backgrounds. While the Graduate Apprenticeship in Civil Engineering (GA-CE) diversified the number of stakeholders involved in recruitment and our GA employers are also committed to providing learning opportunities for a wide spectrum of society, there is an apparent lack of diversity in our GA-CE programme, which reflects a wider sector issue in GA programmes. This project seeks to identify the key factors affecting recruitment to the GA and develop recommendations to increase diversity in recruitment of future GA cohorts. The student intern, will conduct interviews and focus groups with employers to characterise the recruitment experience from all angles and inform development of initiatives to improve diversity in future GA applicant pools.

£11,016.61 (100% fEC) IGNITE Network (Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI)+ FA2 project,
Short titleEnhancing Equality & Diversity in the Graduate Apprenticeship (Civil & Environmental Engineering) cohorts at the University of Strathclyde
Effective start/end date10/07/2310/10/23


  • Graduate Apprenticeships
  • Employers
  • Recruitment
  • Diversity


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