"Our Rights Our Communities" peer-led evaluation

Project: Projects from Previous Employment

Project Details


Project objectives
To conduct a peer-led evaluation of the ‘Our Rights, Our Communities’ project that would:
a) Explore the issues being faced by New Scots women and their families in Glasgow.
b) Enable the project leaders and participants to understand and assess the ‘Our Rights, Our Communities’ project according to their own objectives.
c) Provide evidence to the wider community on the impacts and benefits of peer-led advocacy for New Scots.
d) Make the voices of New Scots women central to the evaluation outputs.
To document the process of carrying out peer-led research to:
a) Explore and reflect on the group experiences.
b) Capture these experiences, the challenges and the benefits of peer-led research and evaluation for the benefit of other community groups and researchers considering undertaking work using similar approaches.
Effective start/end date1/11/2230/04/24


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