Optimal Design of Vascular Stents

Project: Research - Internally Allocated

Project Details


We anticipate that two key products will arise from our EPSRC research grant:

• A computational model to enable enhanced drug-eluting stent design for coronary heart disease.
• A prototype drug-eluting stent with fully optimised drug release kinetics

We envisage that both products will attract interest from industry and clinicians and will therefore be well placed to produce significant impact. We have been awarded support to develop the interactions with external partners necessary to deliver such impact.

Key findings

Oct '13:

Activities Funded

• Research Symposium – June 2013 (Lunch and refreshments, one national, one international speaker)

• Promotional Materials

• Travel to companies/hospitals for site visits

Project Update

In the early stages of the project we have focussed on establishing a network of key industry/clinical/academic contacts, initially focussed on the UK. We decided that the best method of interaction with these contacts was through an invitation to a research symposium. This event saw representatives from across cardiovascular devices research and industry come together to discuss key challenges and examine how mathematical approaches can be used to overcome them. Specifically, we used the event to showcase our research group capability and invited key attendees to become members of our special interest group. We have also produced promotional materials, a group website (www.strath.ac.uk/code), and a newsletter for distribution to special interest group members. The net effect of these activities has seen us attract the interest of academic/clinical/industrial groups within the UK and beyond. Specifically, we have started one collaborative project with a UK SME, have one contract research proposal in preparation, and have recently held non-confidential collaborative discussions with one of the world’s leading stent manufacturers. Moreover, through our clinical colleagues, we are now investigating routes to realise the impact of the research in informing better treatment decisions, an impact not previously envisaged from the research. We are currently in discussions with clinical partners in the United States to determine how best to take this project forward.

Progress against Milestones (as outlined within the IAA funding application)

1 Achieve SIG membership level of greater than 10 31/06/13 Current membership of 8

2 Achieve inward enquiries on research capability from industry 31/12/13 3 (2 UK SMEs,1 global stent manufacturer

3 Submission of joint research proposal with industry partner 31/06/14 1 industry research project now started. 1 contract research proposal in process. No external funding submissions yet.

4 Application of IP generated to addressing an industry/clinical need 31/03/15 No update. Opportunities to develop and apply IP will be identified as the project progresses.

The Future of Activities Supported

Support will continue to be used to develop interactions with external partners across the clinical and industry sectors. We will build on the network we have established thus far through attendance at or organisation of targeted events and delivery of promotional materials. As before, we will seek to capitalise on opportunities that arise from such activity. Our recently established and developing collaborations with industry will see us using some of our award to fund short exchanges and prototype development costs.

Effective start/end date1/10/1230/09/15


  • EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council): £10,000.00


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