Multi-PetaWatt Laser-Plasma Interactions: A New Frontier in Physics

Project: Research Fellowship

Conference contribution book

Search results

  • 2018

    Ultra-intense X-ray radiation photopumping of exotic states of matter by relativistic laser–plasma in the radiation-dominated kinetic regime (RDKR)

    Faenov, A. Y., Colgan, J., Pikuz, S. A., Zhidkov, A., Pikuz, T. A., Abdallah, J., Tubman, E., Butler, N. M. H., Dance, R. J., Skobelev, I. Y., Alkhimova, M. Z., Booth, N., Green, J., Gregory, C., Andreev, A., Nishiuchi, M., Sakaki, H., Sagisaka, A., Pirozhkov, A. S. & Ogura, K. & 11 others, Fukuda, Y., Kanasaki, M., Hasegawa, N., Nishikino, M., Kando, M., Kawachi, T., Kondo, K., McKenna, P., Tallents, G. J., Woolsey, N. & Kodama, R., 24 Feb 2018, (E-pub ahead of print) X-Ray Lasers 2016: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on X-Ray Lasers. Kawachi, T., Bulanov, S. V., Daido, H. & Kato, Y. (eds.). Cham, Switzerland: Springer, p. 149-158 10 p. (Springer Proceedings in Physics).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Conference contribution book