Moving on with languages: Tackling Transition

Project: Internally funded project

Project Details


Delivered to primary and secondary subject leaders in the following local authorities: Dundee City Council, Fife Council, North Ayrshire Council, Perth and Kinross Council, Scottish Borders Council, South Lanarkshire Council and Stirling Council.

Workshop descriptor:

Coordinated transition arrangements that ensure positive continuity and progression between primary and secondary modern language education are crucial.

This professional learning will suit a cluster or Local Authority that is ready to consider its approach to transition in L2 and L3. It is essential that subject leaders attend with practitioners from both primary and secondary school in the same learning community.

The two-part workshop will involve:

•Examining transition and identifying why it is important

•Considering what makes an effective transition

•Looking at examples of good practice
Effective start/end date20/04/1520/11/17


  • professional learning
  • Teacher Professional Development
  • transition
  • languages
  • Language learning
  • Language Pedagogy
  • Language Policy


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