KTP 10106861: Knowledge transfer partnership between University of Strathclyde and NATIONAL OILWELL VARCO UK LIMITED

Project: Research

Project Details


The National Oilwell Varco UK Limited team in Forfar is responsible for the standardisation of non-destructive evaluation (NDE)procedures for our equipment across the globe. Conventional calibration practicedby NOV can be unreliable, as the testing equipment may travel thousands of milesoverseas after the initial calibration. The rigours of the journey could can alter thecharacteristics of the calibration equipment and thus make comparison toequipment in the field unreliable. NOV's oilwell drilling components are oftenmetres in span and extremely heavy, which makes it practically impossible to havestandard reference blocks of the same size as the original equipment. Introducingportable, down-scaled sensitivity pieces for calibration use in the field willtransform the reliability of NDE processes and safety of the components inoperation, minimising the risks of failure and shutdown. The accuracy of amanufactured sensitivity piece is critical: the defects/discontinuities must bereliable and consistent with the piece of equipment targeted for calibration.
Through this KTP, NOV will gain the permanent capacity to design, manufacture,and use sensitivity pieces for in-field inspection of equipment using Phased ArrayUltrasonic Testing (PAUT).
Effective start/end date1/05/2431/10/26


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