(KE/Research) "Little Animation Studio" Open Project Fund (Glasgow Life, Harmeny Education Trust, Showmanmedia)

Project: Non-funded project

Project Details


Little Animation Studio has the vision to bring high-quality, tailored animation
engagement to children and young people facing social and economic barriers to
meaningful participation in the digital arts. We want to support children to gain
confidence in their creative voice and realise their potential as creators of digital
art by building on their digital and gaming literacy and using digital (animation)
technology in proactive and creative ways (10 year plan/Time to Shine/EDI).

Layman's description

Little Animation Studio is a digital animation education project that supports children with differing needs through the whole production process of creating their first animated short film.

Key findings

Research in progress - the focus is on the wider conceptual questions around the definition of 'quality' in animation education and its link to questions about subjectness. The engagement with the actual and desired possibilities for the good life with others, in and with the world, Biesta (2018) suggests, is bound up in arts’ dialogical encounters with other (material, social) ways of being (ibid). How does such existential definition of 'quality' map onto our digital animation education project? What constitutes the quality of the encounters with the material and technology of animation and the people involved in the project? How can the relationship between the inherent fictional nature of animation - the children's invented storytelling and drawn images - and the process of formation (Bildung) in the 'real world' be thought and understood?
Effective start/end date14/10/199/01/21


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