H2020-FOF-2017 Manufacturing Industry Digital Innovation Hubs

  • Al-Dubaee, Shawki (Principal Investigator)

Project: Research

Project Details


The AFRC is the only UK partner and a key part of Manufacturing Industry Digital Innovation Hub (MIDIH) – a new Europe wide project that will support the digitisation of the manufacturing industry and facilitate links between firms and support bodies across 12 countries with 21 partners. 

MIDIH connects operating Digital Innovation Hubs focusing on CPS (Cyber-Physical Systems) and IoT (Internet of Things) technologies into a pan-European network capable of more effectively addressing the needs of European industry, notably SMEs and midcaps. 

The Scottish Regional Manufacturing Digital Innovation Hub (SRMDIH) is led by the Advanced Forming Research Centre at the University of Strathclyde in support with Scotland’s economic development agency, Scottish Enterprise, and Scotland’s Innovation Centre for Sensor and Imaging Systems, and CENSIS. 

The hub has been launched, and it aims to boost the local economy by stimulating and supporting the adoption of new technologies among growing Scottish manufacturing companies. 

Outputs from SRMDIH will feed into the Scottish Government’s efforts to improve the competitiveness of Scottish manufacturing companies through the creation of a National Manufacturing Institute for Scotland (NMIS).

The University of Strathclyde has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Irish Manufacturing Research -IMR (Irish Regional Manufacturing Digital Innovation Hub) in Ireland. AFRC and IMR intend to strengthen their cooperation and to assess the possibilities of cooperating in joint research projects.

MIDIH project provides access to an online platform (DIHIWARE), linking firms with other firms support bodies and funding sources across Europe. DIHIWARE platform is installed in AFRC as a testbed prior to roll-out to the broader MIDIH ecosystem. http://dihiware.eng.it/dihwelcome/
After MIDIH project, partners can be following the new methodologies and lesson learned to enhance and support SMEs.

Key activities:

o Technical support;
o Access to finance and will also provide SMEs with brokerage services for access to funding;
o Support for new product and start-up development;
o Ecosystem building and networking;
o Dissemination and awareness.

The Scottish and Irish RMDIH collaborative business model “evolution” has been affirmed by the recent publication of the 2021-2022 work programme of the Digital Europe Programme (DEP) 2021-2027 and the inclusion of the EDIH concept in the DEP as a trusted broker of services for the digital transformation of European SMEs and public authorities.

After MIDIH project, partners can be following the new methodologies and lesson learned to enhance and support SMEs.
Short titleFunding: European Commission - Horizon 2020: 202555,00
Effective start/end date1/10/1730/09/20


  • Internte of Things
  • Cyber-Physical Systems
  • Industry 4.0
  • Scottish Digital Innovation Hub
  • Connectivity


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