Greenwork and Environmental Knowledge. €24,000 plus expenses + up to €50,000 for teaching buy-out, RWTH Aachen University

  • Eisler, Matthew (Principal Investigator)
  • Star Rogers, Hannah (Research Co-investigator)

Project: Non-funded project

Project Details


As social awareness of climate change deepened from the late 1980s, scholarship in the environmental humanities burgeoned. Histories of environments, ideas of environments, environmental movements, and interconnections between ecosystems and infrastructures proliferated, enriching understanding of relations between human beings and non-human nature. Nevertheless, scholarship struggled to keep pace with rapidly changing events. Over the last 30 years, observed the historian Etienne Benson, environmental regulation intensified, touching every facet of life so that by the early 2020s nearly everyone in Western society could be considered an environmentalist, whether willing or unwilling, in one way or another (Benson 2020). This intriguing proposition suggests major social change, yet relatively little is known of how environmental regulation and governance co-produces labor, business, and consumer practices and the material substrata of a society of environmentalists. We could refer to these practices collectively as greenwork, the knowledge around these practices as environmental knowledge, and the society that gives rise to them as environmental society. This project is dedicated to understanding these processes.
Effective start/end date1/01/2531/12/25


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  • RWTH Aachen University

    Eisler, M. (Visiting researcher)

    1 Jan 202531 Dec 2025

    Activity: Visiting an external institution typesVisiting an external academic institution

  • University of Copenhagen

    Eisler, M. (Visiting researcher)

    1 Nov 202430 Nov 2024

    Activity: Visiting an external institution typesVisiting an external academic institution