GE Anaya-Lara Universidada del Valle

Project: Internally funded project

Project Details


Main objective
The main objective of this application is to re-establish direct communication with higher education institutions in Mexico and Colombia which have indicated strong support to my initiative of setting up cooperation links through the establishment of a research centre on energy, sustainability and climate change adaptation.

As mentioned earlier, I proposed this initiative at a state and national levels in Mexico in 2007 but, for unknown reasons, it did not progressed despite having secured financial support from the IDB.

I have explored the possibility of making a new attempt and it seems as the conditions are still favourable: the Mexican energy sector is going through a re-structuring process that will require this type of research facilities, partners in Colombia and Bolivia are strongly interested, and furthermore, the IDB has shown interest in hearing ‘again’ a proposal for this initiative, which I now want to frame as a Latin America Energy Research Alliance (LAERA).

• Meetings/workshop with UASLP and UAZ in Mexico, Universidad del Valle, Nacional de Bogota and Universidad Andina in Colombia. Discuss the LAERA initiative, and staff/postgraduate students exchange (recruitment)
• Meeting/workshop with CFE (national utility in Mexico), and industry companies in the electricity sector to explore support for LAERA.
• Meet with IDB executives to develop and establish de alliance. It is planned that the IDB funding may only be necessary during the early stages of setting up the alliance, and that it will be later funded through national projects.

Planned trips (see more detailed in the trip costing below):
• 10-11 November. Visit UASLP and CFE in Mexico.
• 24-28 November. Visit to Universidad del Valle in Colombia and the IDB.
• 10-12 December. Visit to the IDB accompanying the Principal’s delegation.
• 2015 Couple of trips to follow up as necessary (including the visit to a new country to promote engagement with the Alliance).

1 to 2-year period to materialise collaboration and tom have a cooperation agreement in place.

It is important that the relationship is sustainable and that you have a plan in place to support this, for example by addressing joint funding opportunities (please detail what these are), or developing other forms of collaboration.

The intended outcomes/benefits include:

- The first and most important outcome is to get the IDB to engage on the Alliance initiative, which will then involve attracting investment to Strathclyde.

- Strengthen Strathclyde position and visibility within the academic and industrial community (energy sector).

- Attraction of investment through delivery of advanced training courses, recruitment of postgraduate students and development of joint projects

- Continuous collaboration is expected with various parties based on initial outcomes

Effective start/end date19/11/1419/11/15


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