EuroVIP FP7 project, SCSO-GA-2011-266054-EuroVIP

Project: Research

Project Details


EuroVIP aims to co-ordinate European maritime SMEs, associations, larger companies, and research institutions to promote the application of research results and innovative technologies in SMEs, by service, technology and information (STI) transfer in terms of operational and technical collaboration. It will provide a viable means for the exploitation of outputs from past, present and future projects.
Collaboration through the exchange of industrial and research innovations is a key factor in achieving the competitive benefits that globalisation can bring to maritime organisations. However, achieving successful awareness and effective collaboration remains a significant obstacle. There is a clear need for European SMEs to fully engage with each other and to adopt a more advanced approach with regard to the exploitation of innovations through the development of collaborations on a grander geographical scale.
A concerted co-ordinated activity is needed to exploit innovations, making them widely available and supporting their use throughout Europe. Conventionally this would be achieved through knowledge exchange workshops to facilitate networking amongst interested organisations. EuroVIP takes a novel state-of-the-art approach to Virtual Integrated Partnering (VIP) and collaboration for the exchange of advances and innovations, coupled with workshops, demonstration “road shows”, and meetings to bring together research outputs and expertise for exploitation.
The project will identify technologies with the highest potential impact and build partnerships for the exploitation of such. Best collaborative practice will be disseminated to facilitate SMEs in finding the right partnership, right innovations at the right time, and to configure and enable such partnership. Benchmark studies will be carried out to show best practice and the potential of innovation transfer to the wider maritime SME community and enhanced dynamic collaborative partnerships will be established.
Short titleVirtual Integrated Partnering (VIP) for SME service, technology and information providers in the European maritime sector
Effective start/end date1/06/112/05/14


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  • Transport Research Arena (TRA2014)

    Vuletic, T. (Participant)

    15 Apr 201416 Apr 2014

    Activity: Participating in or organising an event typesParticipation in conference