Early Phase for Partnership for Teacher Education

Project: Knowledge Exchange

Project Details


The West Partnership submitted a bid to the Scottish Government for monies to allow them to further strengthen their partnership work, working within the context of National Framework Agreement for Partnership in the Early Phase of Teacher Learning. They planned to appoint a Project Team (PT) working across all 11 establishments.
The Project Leader (Joanna Holmes) and Administrative Assistant were in post by the beginning of August 2014. A further team member (Project Advisor) joined in October 2014.
The Project Team (PT) held regular meetings with the Operational Group (which has a representative from each LA and University plus EIS representation). The Operational Group act as a steering group, discussing and agreeing recommendations and ways forward presented by the PT.
The PT also made contact with a variety of other agencies and individuals, this includes the other partnerships, Prof Graham Donaldson, TERG (Teacher Education Reference Group), GTCs, Scottish Government, additional university departments, Senior Managers in schools.
Initially after stakeholder interviews the PT developed a strategic vision which was agreed by the Operational Group. The PT also organised and held a conference which allowed University tutors, school representatives, NQTs, LA representatives and union representatives to discuss the progress made so far in ITE while reflecting on TSF recommendations.
A working group was been set up to consider an alignment of placement experience across the 2 Universities.
Further work includes networks with GTCs, Education Scotland, LA reps and the Universities to develop Professional Learning programs for staff across the partnership. And work in raising awareness and engaging more staff in the work of Partnership across the LAs in particular with Senior Managers in schools.

Layman's description

Developing partnership working across schools and universities in the delivery of initial teacher education

Key findings

Outcomes; alignment of placement dates and practices across universities; development and delivery of joint assessment approaches between schools and universities; profile development of the West Partnership
Short titleWest Partnership
Effective start/end date11/08/1430/06/16


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