Curricula constructions of citizenship: How are geography’s relationships with citizenship conceptualised in, and understood through, education policy in England and Scotland?

Project: Non-funded project

Project Details


This project seeks to examine how geography’s relationships with citizenship are conceptualised in, and understood through, education policy in
England and Scotland. It is intended as pump-priming project which intersects with Hammond’s other work in children’s rights in England and
Scotland (Hammond, in review), a small grant in development focussing on children’s lived citizenship in Scotland (Hammond et al., in preparation),
and collaborative work between Quirke and Hammond which aims to build a community of geography (teacher) educators in Scotland and actively
contribute to the relatively small literature base in the field in Scotland (Hammond et al., in review). Through a literature review and analysis of what
Priestley and Sinnema (2014) term policy intentions and the operational level of working documents, the research aims to gain insight into how
citizenship is conceptualised in education policy and the guidance given to geography educators about what, how and why it should be taught. By
engaging with a focus group of geography teacher educators in England and Scotland, the research will examine how citizenship is conceptualised
by those who teach beginning teachers and gain a sense of how education policy is engaged with, explored, and contested. Ultimately, the project
aims provide insight into education policy and into how policy is understood and negotiated. This insight will be used to inform the development of,
and a case for, a larger bid – provisionally an ESRC New Investigator grant – examining the relationships between children’s diverse experiences of
lived citizenship in the UK and their experiences of citizenship in, and of, education spaces.
Effective start/end date1/04/24 → …

UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This project contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 4 - Quality Education


  • Geography
  • GLobal Citizenship
  • Education Policy
  • England
  • Scotland


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