Cosmetic covers for artificial lower limbs

  • Corney, Jonathan (Principal Investigator)
  • Murray, Kevin (Academic)
  • Cairns, Nicola (Researcher)

Project: Research - Internally Allocated

Project Details


The project aims to develop prototypes of cosmetic covers for artificial lower limbs to production level quality, and conduct a small scale patient trial (alpha trial) of the cover. The feedback of the trial will be used to implement any modifications prior to the design freeze and a future large scale patient trial. From these activities, the production route will also be identified in a Bill of Materials which includes all sources of materials, suppliers, and production and labour costs.

Key findings

Oct '13:

Project Update

1. First prototypes developed by Thread Design Ltd meeting project design and specification were not easily accepted by clinical community or patients. Therefore, IDF funds were used to modify the design and produce #2 prototypes for the patient trial as well as a process route for the manufacture. IDF activities will soon be complete pending costing, supply chain and manufacture information to be provided for the Bill of Materials.

2. Delays due to Blatchford Ltd site relocation and other project commitments of Impact Champion meant the secondment start was delayed from June to August 2013 and is 0.4FTE until 1st December 2013. The secondment will now end on 31st March 2013. Fatigue testing of the new cover design was identified as an essential task prior to the patient trial and this has been the responsibility of the impact champion based at Strathclyde.

3. Initial 3D knitting investigations have been very encouraging. Two iterations of stockings samples have been provided by Textil which clearly demonstrate the potential of the manufacturing technique. A 3-step plan has been developed to reach production quality prototypes and provide costing and production quantity/capability information.

The Future of Activities Supported

Patient trial due to commence in mid October 2013. This will lead to large scale patient trail in 2014. Patent application underway via RKES. Two new limb cover products should be launched by Blatchford Ltd in 2014. One of these will be supplied by Textil, therefore this provides new revenue stream for collaborator.

Effective start/end date1/10/1230/09/15


  • EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council): £18,000.00


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