BTG: GlaMM Workshops

  • Cheung, David (Principal Investigator)
  • Hourahine, Ben (Co-investigator)
  • Johnston, Karen (Principal Investigator)
  • Nicholls, William (Co-investigator)

Project: Internally funded project

Project Details


GlaMM (Glasgow Multiscale Modelling) is a group that aims to improve connections between modellers in various departments in Strathclyde and the Glasgow area universities. The BTG grant enabled GlaMM to set up a series of workshops, based in Strathclyde University during the spring term of 2014, focusing on topics aligned with selected TIC themes. The meeting topics were: Solar Cells and Intelligent Lighting, Water Treatment and Management, and Bionanotechnology. The workshops each aimed to
• facilitate collaborations to tackle challenging problems at various length scales and across multiple disciplines.
• establish a framework for interdepartmental and inter-faculty collaborations leading to future grant proposals.

Opportunities and next steps
As outlined above, the workshops have helped establish a network between researchers in various departments across Strathclyde, and has improved communication between experimentalists and modellers.
In addition, we have also learned some lessons from the workshops that will be valuable for future event organisation:
• Participating in a workshop takes time and it can be difficult to find compromise dates that suit many people, especially coming up to exam time. A better approach may be to have shorter events, such as a seminar and coffee series.
• Using TIC themes for the workshops worked well, and another idea that would help to focus the interaction is to aim for a specific funding opportunity. The membership of GlaMM is very diverse so it is not possible to find a single possibility that fits all, and instead GlaMM will now focus on 2-3 relevant funding possibilities from EPSRC or H2020 and invite GlaMM members to attend targetted meetings to contribute to a proposal.
• Currently, we are discussing how to further raise the profile of GlaMM and what it can offer. We are looking into options for website development that would make GlaMM visible externally and also provide a showcase for modelling activities in Strathclyde.
The preparation of future funding proposals and other activities will aim to create a sustainable and vibrant modelling network in Strathclyde.

Key findings

The immediate outcomes of the workshops were:
1) improved networking between experimentalists and modellers leading to ongoing discussions. This included developing new contacts and renewing some existing interactions.
2) raising the profile of Strathclyde and the Glasgow modelling community to external academics and industrial groups.

The invited external speakers were:
Natalie Stingelin Stutzmann, Imperial College London
Tom Ball, University of Dundee
Graham Turnbull, University of St. Andrews
Paul Weir, Process Optimisation Team Manager, Scottish Water
Giuseppe Battaglia, University College London
In addition there were a number of invited and contributed presentations from researchers from the Glasgow area universities.

Effective start/end date1/02/1430/06/14


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