AZ/EPSRC Case Award PhD "2"

Project: Research - Studentship Case

Project Details


Development of a Multimodal Sensor System for Performance Monitoring of Pharmaceuticals

Layman's description

studentship aims to develop a novel multimodal monitoring approach to quantify performance-controlling mechanisms of the dissolution of pharmaceutical tablets. This multi-disciplinary project is suitable for students with a background in chemistry, physics, chemical engineering or pharmacy. You will be working with a world-leading pharmaceutical company (AstraZeneca) and it will provide you a perfect platform to have a career in industry or academia. This project also presents an exciting opportunity for you to deliver innovative solutions for the pharmaceutical industry with opportunities for publication in peer reviewed journals and conferences as well as delivering real industrial impact through research.

Key findings

Background and Motivation: The majority of drug products are designed to immediately release the active ingredient, where the microstructure and the disintegration process play a pivotal role in product performance. The development of a drug product requires a deep understanding of the interconnection of every step involved in tablet disintegration as well as their link to the microstructure, formulation and raw material attributes. There is currently a substantial knowledge gap due to the lack of appropriate in-situ measurement techniques that can resolve the fundamental processes underpinning disintegration and dissolution.
Short titleDissolution
Effective start/end date1/05/201/05/24


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