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PEERS: Pathways for Equal access to the Energy Research Sector
Beattie, S. (Principal Investigator), Switzer, C. (Principal Investigator), Kremer, Y. (Principal Investigator) & Murray, M. (Principal Investigator)
10/07/23 → 10/10/23
Project: Research
Exploring the use of Chat GPT by Engineering Employers: Informing Authentic Assessment in Higher Education Engineering
Murray, M. (Principal Investigator), Flockhart, G. (Principal Investigator), MacLachlan, R. (Principal Investigator), Adams, R. (Principal Investigator), Magueijo, V. (Principal Investigator), Connolly, S. (Principal Investigator) & Hasty, W. (Principal Investigator)
1/06/23 → 3/08/23
Project: Internally funded project
Enhancing Equality & Diversity in the Graduate Apprenticeship (Civil & Environmental Engineering) cohorts at the University of Strathclyde
Beattie, S. (Principal Investigator), Switzer, C. (Principal Investigator), Kremer, Y. (Principal Investigator) & Murray, M. (Principal Investigator)
1/05/23 → 1/08/23
Project: Internally funded project
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Student Transitions through and/or beyond Strathclyde (to progress the QAA Student Transitions Enhancement Theme within Strathclyde). Transition to employment-Alumni stories about dyslexia from the Civil Engineering and Law disciplines.
Murray, M. (Principal Investigator), Murray, F. (Principal Investigator) & Paton, S. (Principal Investigator)
3/04/17 → 1/08/17
Project: Internally funded project
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Student Transitions through and/or beyond Strathclyde (to progress the QAA Student Transitions Enhancement Theme within Strathclyde). Communities of Practice: A Case of civil engineering students in post-summer placement transition through university.
Murray, M. (Principal Investigator)
30/05/16 → 30/05/17
Project: Internally funded project
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ENTICE - ENhancing Transitions In Civil Engineering (HEA Student Transitions)
Ferguson, N. (Principal Investigator), Bertram, D. (Co-investigator), Kenny, M. (Co-investigator), Murray, M. (Co-investigator) & Switzer, C. (Co-investigator)
11/05/15 → 30/10/15
Project: Research
Scottish Enterprise & Applecross Developments
Murray, M. (Principal Investigator) & Langford, D. (Research Co-investigator)
10/10/05 → 19/11/07
Project: Research
Tempus Project: CD_JEP-30047-2002 (SY) Developing an MSc Curriculum in Construction Management for the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Aleppo, Syria
Murray, M. (Principal Investigator) & Langford, D. (Principal Investigator)
15/03/04 → 15/12/06
Project: Research
ESRC Transdiciplinary Seminars Award: People & Culture
Murray, M. (Principal Investigator)
19/01/04 → 15/08/05
Project: Research