Projects per year
Personal profile
Research Interests
Applied and experimental social psychology (incl. Traffic and Transport Psychology; Health Psychology
Social cognition models (incl. theory of Planned Behaviour; Identity Theory; Social Identity Theory);
Cognition and behaviour change interventions;
Effects of past behaviour and habits on subsequent behaviour;
Motivational and volitional processes underpinning action initiation and maintenance
Academic / Professional qualifications
BSc (Hons) (University of Southampton)
PhD (University of Sheffield)
Personal Statement
I am an applied social psychologist in the School of Psychological Sciences and Health. My research focuses on discipline specific issues in order to understand and ameliorate major global challenges. In particular:
- Identifying the socio-cognitive determinants of behaviour (e.g., attitudes)
- Understanding the influence of automaticity/habits on behavioural decision-making
- Understanding the effects of ageing and disability on task performance
- Developing and testing cognition- (e.g., attitude) and behaviour-change interventions
I have addressed these theoretical topics using a range of psychological models including the theories of reasoned action (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975) and planned behaviour (Ajzen, 1985), the prototype willingness model (Gibbons & Gerrard, 1995), the MODE model (Fazio, 1990), identity theory (Stryker, 1987), social identity theory (Tajfel & Turner, 1986), Cognitive Dissonance Theory (Festinger, 1957) and the model of action phases (Gollwitzer, 1990).
I have researched the above cited topics in relation to driver risk-taking behaviour and a range of other health behaviours including binge-drinking, smoking, heathy eating and self-harm. I have also conducted research into the determinants of inclusive teaching practices in secondary education, the use of mobility aids in disabled populations, the effects of ageing on cognitive decline, the effects of early-stage dementia on driving performance, the influence of the environment and road engineering on driver behaviour, and the use of mobile phone technology to provide real-time warnings of driving hazards.
My research in road user behaviour has informed government policy and practice in the deliery of road safety since 1998. Most recently, research led by me within my Driving Research Laboratory has informed the development an online toolkit to reduce distracted driving. The toolkit, Drive in the Moment, has been developed by the Australian Automobile Association to educate drivers on the dangers of mobile phone use while driving and help them form bespoke plans to drive more safety. The "Plan Builder" forms a major component of the toolkit and is based on research led by me in my Driving Research Laboratory. This research is currently published or in submission in leading academic journals and supported by recently funded research grants. I have also been acting as an international expert consultant for the Australian Automobile Association in the translation of the research into practice as part of the development of the Plan Builder, which is now a nationwide resource in Australia and New Zealand (click here), Greece (click here), Kosovo (click here), Ecuador (click here), Sri Lanka (click here), the Philippines, Czech Republic, Spain, Macedonia, and France.
Click HERE for publications and citation data
Research Grants
2022: IF-THEN behaviour-change app – proof of concept (Principal Investigator). KE Grant funded by the Strathclyde University Stage Gate Process. £2,000.
2020-2022: MVP Lead Implementation Interviews (Co-Investigator). Research Grant funded by the Scottish Police Authority. £5,150.
2019-2020: Improving Parents' Driving Behaviour (Principal Investigator). Research Grant funded by Road Safety Scotland, the Scottish Government. £46,720.
2017-2018: Development and Evaluation of a Child-Parent Road Safety Educational Intervention to Influence Parental Driving Habits (Principal Investigator). Research Grant funded by Road Safety Scotland, the Scottish Government. £53,292.
2016-2020: Push and Show: Nudging for mode change in urban areas with road markings, intrinsic motivation and external rewards (Co-Investigator). Research Grant funded by the Norwegian Research Council. £850,000.
2014-2017: Challenging Hidden Barriers in the Workplace (Co-investigator). Research Grant funded by the Big Lottery Fund. £496,947.
2014-2015: Crowdsourcing Driving Sensonomies: Low-Cost Driving Hazard Awareness and Detection (Co-investigator). Research Grant funded by the University of Strathclyde, Bridging the Gap Initiative. £7,000.
2007-2010: Monitoring Speed Awareness Courses: Baseline Data Collection (Principal Investigator). Research Grant funded by the Road Safety Strategy Division of the UK Department for Transport. £138,400.
2006-2008: Development of Pass Plus Scheme for Newly Qualified Drivers (Principal Investigator). Research Grant funded by the Road Safety Strategy Division of the UK Department for Transport. £220,626.
2005-2006: Changing Drivers' Attitudes and Speeding Behaviour (Principal Investigator). Research Grant funded by the Transport Research Foundation. £9,997.
2004-2006: Understanding Why Objects are Thrown at Traffic (Co-Investigator). Research Grant funded by the Highways Agency. £49,971.
2003-2004: How methods and levels of policing affect road casualty rates (Principal Investigator). Research Grant funded by Transport for London. £12,000.
2002-2005: Psychological Traffic Calming (Co-investigator). Research Grant funded by the Charging and Local Transport Division of the Department for Transport. £399,000.
2002-2007: Elderly and Disabled Motorists Requirements - Part II (Co-Investigator). Research Grant funded by the Mobility and Inclusion Unit of the Department for Transport. £199,692.
2002-2003: Driver Behaviour II (2002) (Principal Investigator). Research Grant funded by the Transport Research Foundation. £32,000.
2001-2007: The Cohort II Study of Learner and Novice Drivers (Co-investigator). Research Grant funded by the Road Safety Strategy Division of the Department for Transport. £1,451,000.
2001-2004: Multivariate Analysis of Factors Affecting the Accident Risk of Motorcyclists (Principal Investigator). Research Grant funded by the Road Safety Strategy Division of the Department for Transport. £154,000.
2001-2004: Child Development and Road Safety Education Research Programme - Phase III: Road Safety in Early Adolescence (Principal Investigator). Research Grant funded by the Road Safety Strategy Division of the Department for Transport. £194,935.
2001-2002: Driver Behaviour I (2001) (Principal Investigator). Research Grant funded by the Transport Research Foundation. £34,000.
1999-2000: Motorcycle Safety: A Scoping Study (Co-Investigator). Research Grant funded by the Road Safety Strategy Division of the Department for Transport. £19,999.
Expertise & Capabilities
- Applied and Experimental Social Psychology (incl. Traffic Psychology; Health Psychology)
- Attitudes
- Social Cognition Models
- Habits and Past Behaviour
- Cognition- and Behaviour- Change Interventions
Qualifications and Professional Affiliations
- BSc(Hons) Psychology (University of Southampton)
- PhD (University of Sheffield)
- Chartered Psychologist (CPsychol)
- Associate Member of the British Psychological society (AFBPsS)
- Member of the International Association of Applied Psychology (Division 13: Traffic and Transport Psychology; Division 8: Health Psychology)
Research Interests
My research focuses on:
- Attitudes and attitude-change
- Social cognition models
- Habits and past behaviour
- Cognition- and behaviour-change interventions
I mainly research these topics in relation to driver risk-taking behaviour but I have also conducted research on other health-risk and educational behaviours including binge-drinking, smoking, unheathy eating, self-harm and inclusive teaching practices.
Click here for publications and citation data.
Research Grants
2022: IF-THEN behaviour-change app – proof of concept (Principal Investigator). KE Grant funded by the Strathclyde University Stage Gate Process. £2,000.
2020-2022: MVP Lead Implementation Interviews (Co-Investigator). Research Grant funded by the Scottish Police Authority. £5,150.
2019-2020: Improving Parents' Driving Behaviour (Principal Investigator). Research Grant funded by Road Safety Scotland, the Scottish Government. £46,720.
2017-2018: Development and Evaluation of a Child-Parent Road Safety Educational Intervention to Influence Parental Driving Habits (Principal Investigator). Research Grant funded by Road Safety Scotland, the Scottish Government. £53,292.
2016-2020: Push and Show: Nudging for mode change in urban areas with road markings, intrinsic motivation and external rewards (Co-Investigator). Research Grant funded by the Norwegian Research Council. £850,000.
2014-2017: Challenging Hidden Barriers in the Workplace (Co-investigator). Research Grant funded by the Big Lottery Fund. £496,947.
2014-2015: Crowdsourcing Driving Sensonomies: Low-Cost Driving Hazard Awareness and Detection (Co-investigator). Research Grant funded by the University of Strathclyde, Bridging the Gap Initiative. £7,000.
2007-2010: Monitoring Speed Awareness Courses: Baseline Data Collection (Principal Investigator). Research Grant funded by the Road Safety Strategy Division of the UK Department for Transport. £138,400.
2006-2008: Development of Pass Plus Scheme for Newly Qualified Drivers (Principal Investigator). Research Grant funded by the Road Safety Strategy Division of the UK Department for Transport. £220,626.
2005-2006: Changing Drivers' Attitudes and Speeding Behaviour (Principal Investigator). Research Grant funded by the Transport Research Foundation. £9,997.
2004-2006: Understanding Why Objects are Thrown at Traffic (Co-Investigator). Research Grant funded by the Highways Agency. £49,971.
2003-2004: How methods and levels of policing affect road casualty rates (Principal Investigator). Research Grant funded by Transport for London. £12,000.
2002-2005: Psychological Traffic Calming (Co-investigator). Research Grant funded by the Charging and Local Transport Division of the Department for Transport. £399,000.
2002-2007: Elderly and Disabled Motorists Requirements - Part II (Co-Investigator). Research Grant funded by the Mobility and Inclusion Unit of the Department for Transport. £199,692.
2002-2003: Driver Behaviour II (2002) (Principal Investigator). Research Grant funded by the Transport Research Foundation. £32,000.
2001-2007: The Cohort II Study of Learner and Novice Drivers (Co-investigator). Research Grant funded by the Road Safety Strategy Division of the Department for Transport. £1,451,000.
2001-2004: Multivariate Analysis of Factors Affecting the Accident Risk of Motorcyclists (Principal Investigator). Research Grant funded by the Road Safety Strategy Division of the Department for Transport. £154,000.
2001-2004: Child Development and Road Safety Education Research Programme - Phase III: Road Safety in Early Adolescence (Principal Investigator). Research Grant funded by the Road Safety Strategy Division of the Department for Transport. £194,935.
2001-2002: Driver Behaviour I (2001) (Principal Investigator). Research Grant funded by the Transport Research Foundation. £34,000.
1999-2000: Motorcycle Safety: A Scoping Study (Co-Investigator). Research Grant funded by the Road Safety Strategy Division of the Department for Transport. £19,999.
Teaching Interests
Current and Recent Postgraduate Research (PhD) Students
- Abigail Paterson (with Dr Susan Rasmussen and Dr Louise Nicholls, University of Strathclyde): Implementation intentions, cognitive abilities and self-harm (full-time; 2018-present). Funded by the European and Economic Research Council (ESRC).
- Stefania Pagani (with Dr Simon Hunter, University of Strathclyde): Evaluation of the Mentors for Violence Prevention intervention in Scottish Schools (full-time; 2017-present). Joint funded by the University of Strathclyde (50%) and the Scottish Police Authority (50%).
- Ingeborg Storesund Hesjevoll (with Dr Beate Seibt, University of Oslo): Developing and testing volitional help sheets for increasing bicycling and walking and improving car driver safety for bicyclists and pedestrians (full-time; 2017-present). Funded by the Norwegian Research Council.
- Rebecca McCartan (with Dr Allan McGroarty, University of Strathclyde): Development of cognitive dissonance-based attitude-change interventions (full-time; October 2015-present). Funded by the European and Economic Research Council (ESRC).
- Sarah Brewster (with Dr Steve Kelly, University of Strathclyde): Using implementation intentions to change driver behaviour (completed in 2016). Funded by he University of Strathclyde.
- Abir Abdel Rahman (with Dr Pauline Adair, Queens University): A theory-based exploration of adding sugar to beverages in Lebanese public school children (completed in 2016). Self-Funded.
- Christine McMonagle (with Dr Susan Rasmussen, Universiy of Strathclyde): The use and usefulness of ankle-foot orthoses (AFOs) for people with stroke (part-time; Oct 2009 - present). Funded by the University of Strathclyde.
- Shemane Murtagh (with Dr David Rowe, University of Strathclyde): Understanding school travel behaviour: An application of the theory of planned behaviour and the construct of habit (completed in 2013). Funded by Sustrans and the National Physical Activity Research Evaluation Group.
Postgraduate Teaching
I am Class Leader for C8939 Quantitative Research Methods. I also teach on:
C8939 Quantitative Research Methods:
- Correlation
- Simple Regression
- Multiple Regression
- Logistic Regression
- Factor Analysis
C8937 Dissertation (Project Areas):
- Social cognition models (e.g. theory of reasoned action theory of planned behaivour; prototype willingness model; social cognitive theory; MODE model; health-belief model)
- Attitude dimensionaliy, ambivalence, stability, accessibility
- Implicit and explicit attitudes
- Implementation intentions
- Cognitive dissonance interventions (e.g., induced compliance and hypocrisy induction)
- Persuasion/educational interventions in the areas of both health and safety behaviour
Undergraduate Teaching:
I am the Class Leader for both C8202 Social and Health Psycholoy and C8307 Social Psychology. I also teach on:
C8202 Social and Health Psychology:
- Principles of Social Psychology
- Attribution theories
- Attribution biases
- Situational determinants of prosocial behaviour
- Personal determinants of prosocial behaviour
- Models of aggression
- Media violence and aggressive behaviour
C8307 Social Psychology:
- Attitude formation
- Attitude change
- Attitude-behaviour correspondence
- Social cognition models
- Social schemas
- Social representations
- Prejudice
C8498 Psychology Dissertation (Project Areas):
- Same as for C8937, above
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):
- 1 Similar Profiles
Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
BTG: Smartphone Sensonomies: Crowdsourcing in-car mobile phone sensor data
Dunlop, M. (Academic), Elliott, M. (Academic), Ferguson, N. (Academic) & Roper, M. (Academic)
Project: Internally funded project
Stage-gate funds for Industry Engagement & Commercialisation support (stage 1)
Elliott, M. (Principal Investigator), McGroarty, A. (Principal Investigator), Wallace, W. (Principal Investigator) & McLean, G. (Principal Investigator)
Project: Knowledge Exchange
Predicting adherence to ankle-foot orthoses in people with stroke: an application of the theory of planned behaviour
McMonagle, C., Rasmussen, S., Rooney, R. & Elliott, M., 5 Sept 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) Prosthetics and Orthotics International 14 p.Research output: Contribution to specialist publication › Article
Open AccessFile2 Downloads (Pure) -
Using a volitional help sheet to increase university students' attendance at synchronous online lectures: a randomised controlled trial
Elliott, M. A., McGroarty, A. & Robertson, D. J., 30 Jun 2024, In: British Journal of Educational Psychology. 94, 2, p. 328-345 18 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile38 Downloads (Pure)
Data for: "Evaluating the Mentors in Violence Prevention Program: A Process Examination of How Implementation Can Affect Gender-Based Violence Outcomes"
Pagani, S. (Creator), Hunter, S. C. (Creator) & Elliott, M. A. (Creator), figshare, 2 May 2023
Enhancing placemaking in Glasgow through methods co-development - ENGAGE 2024
Harrington, D. (Chair), Bonner, J. (Speaker), Ferguson, N. (Speaker), Elliott, M. (Speaker), Hickin, A. (Speaker), Curry, E. (Participant), Bruce, H. (Participant), Comrie, L. (Participant), Johnson, C. (Participant), Gray, J. (Participant) & Begum, R. (Participant)
9 May 2024Activity: Public Engagement and Outreach › Policy Outreach
Changing driver behaviour using implementation intentions
Elliott, M. (Speaker)
26 Jun 2018 → 30 Jun 2018Activity: Talk or presentation types › Oral presentation