Projects per year
Personal profile
Research Interests
- New approaches, models and tools for integration of DER resources
- Operation of multi-vector energy systems, including heat, transport and hydrogen
- TSO-DSO integration and coordination schemes, including transition towards a DSO
- Aggregation of DER flexibility and local energy markets
- Provision of reserve by different market participants both at transmission and distribution levels
- Electricity market models, policy rules and pricing mechanisms
- Application of agent-based modelling for analysis of aggregation and trading at different electricity markets
- Power System operation, planning and economics
- Application of HPC for power system analysis tools
- Emissions trading and policies to achieve low carbon power systemsMulti Criteria Decision Analysis for policy decisions regarding network structures: centralized vs. decentralized power systems
Personal Statement
I received my PhD degree from McGill University (Montreal, Canada), and currently am Reader within the Institute for Energy and Environment at the University of Strathclyde. In addition, worked in industry for several years.
Currently, with a team of PhD students and researchers, I lead a work that is looking at various aspect of developing new methodologies, approaches and tools to enable integration of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs), including renewable resources, into power networks. This is a multidisciplinary work that includes development of new centralized and decentralised optimization tools for active network management of systems with distributed generation, demand participation and energy storage. Furthermore, my work includes development of new market designs and regulatory analyses of TSO-DSO coordination solutions brought on by significant increase in DERs and their participation in various electricity markets.
To evaluate behaviour of different market participants and evaluate their interactions, my team is also applying agent based modelling to evaluate new arrangements that can enable demand flexibility though market solutions and/or aggregators.
In addition, in collaboration with colleagues from Management science we are looking at applications of Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) to look at evolvement of future power networks, and also in development of decision tools that can help find solutions to improve and accelerate connections of distributed generators to already constrained distribution networks.
I am actively involved in IEEE Power and Energy society and my past roles include
- Chair of the IEEE PES Computing and Analytical Methods Subcommittee (CAMS)
- Co-Organizer and Co-Chair of the IEEE PES Task Force: Agent-Based Modelling of Smart Grid Market Operations
Industrial Relevance
One of the key drivers of my work is to transfer my research expertise into solutions andtraining for industry and other users. This includes:
- Development and testing of TSO-DSO coordination schemes to enable large scale DER integration and participation of provision of flexibility and ancillary services (EU Hor2020 SmartNet project)
- Implementation of new optimization and operation tools to improve integration of Distributed Energy Resources in Northern Iles New Energy Solutions (NINES) project by SSEN
- Analysis of utilisation of hydrogen to help Distributed Generation integration Abardeen Hydrogen Project (AHP) by SSEN
- Analysis of connection options in Accelerating Renewable Connections (ARC) Low Carbon Network Fund Project with Scottish Power Energy Networks
- Knowledge Exchange project with Community Energy Scotland on developing a tool to support evaluation of options to improve distributed generation connections
- Royal Academy of Engineering Industrial Secondment Grant for work on modelling tools for distribution expansion and charging methodologies
- Co-author of an academic report for Ofgem TransmiT project that was looking into different approaches to transmission pricing in the UK.
- Industrial training and teaching courses for National Grid, S&C and SSE
Teaching Interests
My current teaching interests include:
- Advanced Power System Analysis and Design
- Power System Economics
- Power Systems and Wind Integration (course for Doctoral Training Centre)
- Supervision of undergraduate individual and group projects as well as MSc group and individual projects
My previous teaching at Strathclyde included:
- Power System Analysis and Design
- Power Systems Engineering
- Wind Energy and Distributed Energy Resources
- Management of MSc group and individual projects and case studies
- Integrating Studies will Laboratory for Power Engineering
- Software Engineering
- Professional Studies
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):
Education/Academic qualification
Doctor of Philosophy, Combined Pool/Bilateral Operation in Electricity Markets, McGill University
Award Date: 1 Jan 2004
- power system analysis, operation and planning
- power system economics
- electricty markets
- Intgration of Distriuted Energy Resources (DER)
- active network management
- active demand side participation
- high performance computing
- optimization techniques
- agent based modelling
- Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA)
- emissions trading
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EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
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Innovatium: Provision of Support/Tool for assessment of services
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1/01/24 → 31/08/24
Project: Knowledge Exchange (Services/Consultancy)
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Understanding the impact of human & corporate behaviours on DSO planning
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