Projects per year
- 1 - 50 out of 65 results
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Smart Transformation for Resilience And community services Through digitAl grid layers (STRATA)
Burt, G., Syed, M. H., Burt, G. & Coffele, F.
1/06/22 → 30/06/25
Project: Research
ERIGRID ll_ European Research Infrastructure supporting Smart Grid and Smart Energy Systems Research, Technology Development (H2020 INFRA IA)
Burt, G., Abdulhadi, I. F., Coffele, F. & Syed, M. H.
European Commission - Horizon 2020
1/04/20 → 30/09/24
Project: Research
OREC EIRH (Electrical Infrastructure Research Hub)
Bell, K., Anaya-Lara, O., Burt, G., Stewart, B., Xu, L. & MacIver, C.
Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult
4/06/18 → 3/09/25
Project: Research
Not started
Design of a Real Time Smart Grid Simulation Suite
Hong, Q., Booth, C., Guillo Sansano, E., Khan, M. A. U., Syed, M. H., Burt, G. & Munro, R.
Project: Knowledge Exchange (Services/Consultancy)
IAA: Impact Accelerator Account Secondments
Burt, G., Anaya-Lara, O., Zafar, J., Attya, A. & Rohouma, I.
Project: Research
DiTo-H2 - Digital toolbox for hydrogen production: Bridging material innovations, electrolyser architecture and grid scale impact
Neagu, D., Brightman, E., Burt, G. & Steedman, A.
1/06/22 → 28/02/23
Project: Research
Hydrogen Accelerator
Coffele, F., Burt, G., Dorfler, V. & Harrington, S.
4/01/21 → 30/06/23
Project: Knowledge Exchange
Urban and rural UAS-enabled health-care over Scotland CAELUS (ex URANOS)
Fossati, M., Akartunali, K., Burt, G., Cashmore, M., Maddock, C., Patelli, E., Tapinos, E. & Vasile, M.
1/12/20 → 31/05/22
Project: Research
GKN Aerospace Studentship High Temperature Superconducting (HTS) Bus Control and Protection
2/03/20 → 1/03/23
Project: Research - Studentship
Investigation and Maturation of Technologies for Hybrid Electric Propulsion (IMOTHEP)
Burt, G., Norman, P. & Zhang, M.
European Commission - Horizon 2020
1/01/20 → 30/06/24
Project: Research
SMPP (Scaleable Multi-Platform Power Systems)
Norman, P., Burt, G. & Galloway, S.
9/10/19 → 31/12/21
Project: Research
ARCTRACK: Assessment of arc tracking hazards in high voltage aerospace systems
Norman, P., Burt, G., Jones, C. & Sztykiel, M.
European Commission - Horizon 2020
1/10/19 → 31/12/21
Project: Research
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Power Networks and Smart Grids | Tait, James Gordon
Ahmed, K., Burt, G. & Tait, J. G.
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
1/10/18 → 2/06/23
Project: Research Studentship - Internally Allocated
IAA OREC GIRE 2 (Grid) Phase 1
Burt, G., Anaya-Lara, O. & Zafar, J.
Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult
29/09/17 → 31/12/18
Project: Research
Blueprints for Integrating Aircraft Propulsion Software and Hardware (Cranfield - ATI Propulsion Theme)
Norman, P., Burt, G. & Galloway, S.
1/12/16 → 25/03/17
Project: Research
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Wind & Marine Energy Systems | Charalambous, Anastasis
Burt, G., Booth, C. & Charalambous, A.
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
1/10/16 → 18/07/19
Project: Research Studentship - Internally Allocated
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Power Networks and Smart Grids | Makkieh, Ahmad
Burt, G., Pena Alzola, R. & Makkieh, A.
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
1/10/16 → 29/09/22
Project: Research Studentship - Internally Allocated
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Power Networks and Smart Grids | McGuckin, Patrick
Burt, G., Booth, C. & McGuckin, P.
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
1/10/16 → 1/04/21
Project: Research Studentship - Internally Allocated
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Power Networks and Smart Grids | PSARAS, Vasileios
Burt, G., Emhemed, A. & PSARAS, V.
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
1/10/16 → 9/11/21
Project: Research Studentship - Internally Allocated
Metrology Excellence Academic Network for Smart Grids (MEAN4SG) (MCSA ETN)
Roscoe, A. & Burt, G.
European Commission - Horizon 2020
1/03/16 → 29/02/20
Project: Research
Aggregate Modelling of Wind Power Resources in RTDS
Emhemed, A. & Burt, G.
1/09/15 → 30/07/18
Project: Research
Protecting the last mile distribution networks
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
1/03/15 → 30/09/15
Project: Research - Internally Allocated
PNDC-NPL Joint Appointment in Smart Grid
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
1/02/15 → 30/09/15
Project: Research - Internally Allocated
System Architecture Challenges : Supergen+ for HubNet
McArthur, S., Burt, G., Galloway, S. & Kockar, I.
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
1/01/15 → 31/12/16
Project: Research
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Power Networks and Smart Grids | Smith, Kyle Angus
Galloway, S., Burt, G. & Smith, K. A.
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
1/10/14 → 2/06/20
Project: Research Studentship - Internally Allocated
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Power Networks and Smart Grids | Florida-James, Anthony
Burt, G., McArthur, S. & Florida-James, A.
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
1/10/14 → 1/01/19
Project: Research Studentship - Internally Allocated
Protecting the last mile distribution networks
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
1/05/14 → 30/09/15
Project: Research - Internally Allocated
supply of scada system - in-kind
IGE Energy Services (UK) Limited
28/02/14 → 27/02/19
Project: Research - no external funding
Accelerating Technology Readiness of Improved Aerospace Protection System Products to Strengthen Market Position
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
1/02/14 → 30/09/15
Project: Research - Internally Allocated
ETP studentship with TNO (TNO contribution)
TNO (Nederlandse Organisatie Voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek
1/12/13 → 30/11/16
Project: Research - Studentship
Burt, G., Bell, K., Catterson, V., McArthur, S., Roscoe, A. & Hawker, G.
European Commission - FP7 - Cooperation only
1/12/13 → 30/11/17
Project: Research
Burt, G. & Roscoe, A.
European Commission - FP7 - Cooperation only
1/09/13 → 29/02/16
Project: Research
Top & Tail Transformation programme- Protecting the last mile distribution networks
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
1/09/13 → 30/09/15
Project: Research - Internally Allocated
Investigation into the development of MVDC demonstration project
Finney, S. & Burt, G.
Scottish Power Energy Networks, Scottish Enterprise, Scottish Power Renewables Limited, Iberdrola
1/07/13 → 18/03/14
Project: Research
EEE CPD: EEE Continuing Professional Development Programme
1/10/12 → 31/03/15
Project: Knowledge Exchange (Training / Short Course)
Impact Acceleration Account - University Of Strathclyde 2012 / R120526-247
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
1/10/12 → 31/03/17
Project: Research - Internally Allocated
KTP-Community Energy Scotland
Kockar, I., Ault, G., Burt, G. & Galloway, S.
Community Energy Scotland, KTP Govt (Momenta)
1/07/12 → 31/08/14
Project: Research
Building Global Engagements in Research
Littlejohn, D., Anaya-Lara, O., Ault, G., Bennet, D. J., Birch, D., Booth, C., Burt, G., Chen, Y., Chen, H., Fedorov, M., Finney, S., Fletcher, A., Gu, E., Guilhabert, B. J. E., Hastie, J., Jaroszynski, D., Johnston, A., Judd, M., Kockar, I., Lamprou, D., Laurand, N., Macdonald, M., Massoubre, D., Mathieson, K., McKnight, L., Nordon, A., Norman, P., Oliveira, M., Papoff, F., Patwardhan, S., Portugues, I., Scanlon, T., Sefcik, J., Seib, P., Skabara, P., Stack, M., Stephen, B., Tuttle, T., Ulijn, R., Xiao, Q., Yan, X., Zagnoni, M., Dawson, M., Florence, A., Graham, D., McArthur, S., Reese, J., Zhang, Y., Ivanistsev, V., Jawor-Baczynska, A. M., Jones, C., McGlone, T. & McKendry, J.
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
1/04/12 → 31/03/13
Project: Research
KTP-Smarter Grid Solutions
Smarter Grid Solutions Ltd, KTP Govt (Momenta)
1/02/12 → 1/08/14
Project: Research
The Top & Tail Transformation: A Grand Challenge in Energy Networks
Emhemed, A. & Burt, G.
1/11/11 → 30/11/15
Project: Research
Energy Networks Grand Challenge: Top And Tail Infrastuctures
Bell, K., Burt, G., Finney, S., Infield, D. & Kelly, N.
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
1/10/11 → 30/09/15
Project: Research
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
1/06/11 → 31/05/16
Project: Research