Projects per year
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QEPNT A UK Hub for Quantum Enabled Position, Navigation and Timing - Full Stage
Hastie, J. (Principal Investigator), Arnold, A. (Co-investigator), Griffin, P. (Co-investigator), Ingleby, S. (Co-investigator), McGilligan, J. P. (Co-investigator) & Riis, E. (Co-investigator)
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
1/12/24 → 30/11/29
Project: Research
Industrial CASE Account - University of Strathclyde 2022 | Vohnikova, Veronika
Arnold, A. (Principal Investigator), Riis, E. (Co-investigator) & Vohnikova, V. (Research Co-investigator)
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
1/08/24 → 1/02/28
Project: Research Studentship Case - Internally allocated
DTP 2224 University of Strathclyde | Dorne, Anais Camille Annabel
Griffin, P. (Principal Investigator), Riis, E. (Co-investigator) & Dorne, A. C. A. (Research Co-investigator)
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
1/04/24 → 1/10/27
Project: Research Studentship - Internally Allocated
EPSRC Place Based Impact Accelerator for Photonics in Central Scotland
Hastie, J. (Principal Investigator) & Riis, E. (Co-investigator)
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
1/03/24 → 29/02/28
Project: Research
Chip-scale Atomic Systems for a Quantum Navigator (Programme Grant)
Griffin, P. (Principal Investigator) & Riis, E. (Co-investigator)
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
16/11/23 → 15/11/28
Project: Research
Burrow, O. (Principal Investigator), Griffin, P. (Co-investigator) & Riis, E. (Co-investigator)
CPI TMD Technologies Limited (formerly TMD Technologies Ltd)
1/08/23 → 31/03/25
Project: Knowledge Exchange
Industrial CASE Account - University of Strathclyde 2022 | Burden, Alexander
Griffin, P. (Principal Investigator), Riis, E. (Co-investigator) & Burden, A. (Research Co-investigator)
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
1/05/23 → 1/11/26
Project: Research Studentship Case - Internally allocated
Optical frequency metrology for the next advances in timing (EPSRC ICASE with NPL, voucher 220169 - Alex Burden) | Burden, Alexander
Griffin, P. (Principal Investigator), Riis, E. (Co-investigator) & Burden, A. (Research Co-investigator)
1/05/23 → 1/11/26
Project: Research Studentship Case - Internally allocated
Quantum Sensing of the Geomagnetic Space Weather Environment
Ingleby, S. (Principal Investigator), Griffin, P. (Co-investigator), Riis, E. (Co-investigator) & Hunter, D. (Research Co-investigator)
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
13/02/23 → 12/02/26
Project: Research
DTP 2224 University of Strathclyde | Ireland, Paul
Pritchard, J. (Principal Investigator), Riis, E. (Co-investigator) & Ireland, P. (Research Co-investigator)
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
1/10/22 → 1/04/26
Project: Research Studentship - Internally Allocated
Industrial CASE Account - University of Strathclyde 2022 | Agnew, Nicola
Arnold, A. (Principal Investigator), Riis, E. (Co-investigator) & Agnew, N. (Research Co-investigator)
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
1/10/22 → 1/10/26
Project: Research Studentship Case - Internally allocated
EPSRC IAA: A miniaturized fluxgate magnetometer with noise < 1pT/√Hz @ 1Hz
Riis, E. (Co-investigator)
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
1/04/22 → 31/03/25
Project: Research - Internally Allocated
International Network for Microfabrication of Atomic Quantum Sensors (International networks in quantum technologies)
McGilligan, J. P. (Principal Investigator) & Riis, E. (Co-investigator)
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
14/02/22 → 31/08/25
Project: Research
Scalable Qubit Arrays for Quantum Computation and Optimisation (M Squared Prosperity Partnership)
Pritchard, J. (Principal Investigator), Daley, A. (Co-investigator) & Riis, E. (Co-investigator)
M Squared Lasers Ltd, EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
5/02/20 → 4/08/25
Project: Research
SBRI - Cells for Rb 2-PAC
Griffin, P. (Principal Investigator), Dyer, T. (Co-investigator), McGilligan, J. P. (Co-investigator) & Riis, E. (Co-investigator)
1/08/23 → 1/02/25
Project: Knowledge Exchange
NTOL NPL Timing Over Loran
Ward, J. S. (Principal Investigator), Coffele, F. (Co-investigator), Dysko, A. (Co-investigator), Griffin, P. (Co-investigator), Hong, Q. (Co-investigator) & Riis, E. (Co-investigator)
1/11/22 → 31/12/24
Project: Research
Griffin, P. (Principal Investigator), Riis, E. (Co-investigator) & Burrow, O. (Research Co-investigator)
1/10/22 → 30/04/24
Project: Research
Workshop on Optically Pumped Magnetometers (WOPM21)
Riis, E. (Principal Investigator)
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
1/08/21 → 31/12/21
Project: Knowledge Exchange
Combining optically pumped magnetic gradiometers with brain stimulation for understanding causal brain connectivity (Cell partnership project)
Riis, E. (Principal Investigator)
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
1/12/20 → 31/01/23
Project: Research
Scott Thomas PhD studentship - NPL | Dyer, Sean
Riis, E. (Principal Investigator), Griffin, P. (Co-investigator) & Dyer, S. (Research Co-investigator)
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
1/10/20 → 10/12/24
Project: Research Studentship - Internally Allocated
DISCOVERY: Developing UK Industrial Supply for Commercial Quantum Computing (IUK Technology project)
Riis, E. (Principal Investigator), Griffin, P. (Co-investigator), Pritchard, J. (Co-investigator) & Ward, J. S. (Co-investigator)
1/08/20 → 31/03/24
Project: Research
Quantum sensors for end-of-line battery testing
Riis, E. (Principal Investigator), Griffin, P. (Co-investigator) & Ingleby, S. (Research Co-investigator)
1/08/20 → 31/07/23
Project: Research
Compact optics for high performance portable atomic timing and quantum sensors
Griffin, P. (Principal Investigator), Arnold, A. (Co-investigator) & Riis, E. (Co-investigator)
1/07/20 → 31/12/21
Project: Research
UK National Quantum Technology Hub in Sensing and Timing
Hunter, D. (Principal Investigator), Johnson, S. (Principal Investigator), McGilligan, J. P. (Principal Investigator), Moriya, P. (Principal Investigator), Riis, E. (Principal Investigator), Arnold, A. (Co-investigator), Griffin, P. (Co-investigator), Hastie, J. (Co-investigator), Ingleby, S. (Co-investigator), Moriya, P. (Research Co-investigator) & Moriya, P. (Research Co-investigator)
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
1/12/19 → 30/11/24
Project: Research
PhD studentships funded by the Quantum Technology Hub for Sensors and Metrology under the Translational Quantum Technology Studentship Programme 2019
Hastie, J. (Principal Investigator) & Riis, E. (Co-investigator)
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
1/10/19 → 31/03/23
Project: Research - Studentship
Translational Quantum Technology Phd Studentship - Birmingham Doctoral Training Programme | Mrozowski, Marcin
Griffin, P. (Principal Investigator), Riis, E. (Co-investigator) & Mrozowski, M. (Research Co-investigator)
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
1/10/19 → 9/01/24
Project: Research Studentship - Internally Allocated
Translational Quantum Technology Phd Studentship - Birmingham Doctoral Training Programme | Keliehor, Brendan
Riis, E. (Principal Investigator), Griffin, P. (Co-investigator) & Keliehor, B. (Research Co-investigator)
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
1/10/19 → 4/10/23
Project: Research Studentship - Internally Allocated
Translational Quantum Technology Phd Studentship - Birmingham Doctoral Training Programme | Irwin, Edward
Griffin, P. (Principal Investigator), Riis, E. (Co-investigator) & Irwin, E. (Research Co-investigator)
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
1/10/19 → 15/05/24
Project: Research Studentship - Internally Allocated
VCSEL packaging (Quantum Hub Project 140310)
Riis, E. (Principal Investigator)
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
7/06/19 → 30/11/19
Project: Research
Printed sensors for EV battery current density imaging
Riis, E. (Principal Investigator)
1/06/19 → 31/05/20
Project: Research
KTP - TMD Technologies
Spesyvtseva, S. (Principal Investigator) & Riis, E. (Co-investigator)
CPI TMD Technologies Limited (formerly TMD Technologies Ltd), KTP Govt (TSB)
10/11/18 → 10/06/21
Project: Research
Translational Quantum Technology Phd Studentship - Birmingham Doctoral Training Programme | Johnston, Ross
Griffin, P. (Principal Investigator), Riis, E. (Co-investigator) & Johnston, R. (Research Co-investigator)
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
1/10/18 → 1/01/22
Project: Research Studentship - Internally Allocated
Fast-tracking Health Innovation for NHS Scotland. MRC Confidence in Concept / R180246-104
Griffin, P. (Principal Investigator) & Riis, E. (Co-investigator)
MRC (Medical Research Council)
1/03/18 → 28/02/20
Project: Research - Internally Allocated
STFC Strathclyde 2017 DTP
Riis, E. (Principal Investigator)
STFC Science and Technology Facilities Council
1/10/17 → 30/09/21
Project: Research - Studentship
Translational Quantum Technology Phd Studentship - Birmingham Doctoral Training Programme | Wright, Michael
Griffin, P. (Principal Investigator), Riis, E. (Co-investigator) & Wright, M. (Research Co-investigator)
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
1/10/17 → 1/10/20
Project: Research Studentship - Internally Allocated
Feasibility of Magneto-cardiography in Livestock (QuBeat) - IUK project with Icerobotics
Riis, E. (Principal Investigator), Griffin, P. (Co-investigator) & Ingleby, S. (Co-investigator)
1/10/17 → 30/09/18
Project: Research
QT Hub partnership project with KNT
Riis, E. (Principal Investigator), Arnold, A. (Co-investigator) & Griffin, P. (Co-investigator)
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
1/09/17 → 31/08/19
Project: Research
gMOT: Scalable manufacture and evaluation of miniature cold atom traps IUK project with KNT&TMD
Riis, E. (Principal Investigator), Arnold, A. (Co-investigator) & Griffin, P. (Co-investigator)
1/09/17 → 31/03/19
Project: Research
REMOTE - RuggEd Micro-ECDL technology for cOld a Tom applications in spacE
Riis, E. (Principal Investigator)
1/05/17 → 30/04/19
Project: Research
Cockcroft Institute / R160525-1
Riis, E. (Principal Investigator), Cross, A. (Co-investigator), Eliasson, B. (Co-investigator), Gray, R. (Co-investigator), Hidding, B. (Co-investigator), Jaroszynski, D. (Co-investigator), McKenna, P. (Co-investigator), McNeil, B. (Co-investigator), Ronald, K. (Co-investigator) & Sheng, Z.-M. (Co-investigator)
1/04/17 → 31/03/22
Project: Research - Internally Allocated
Carnegie Centenary Professorship (Prof Leo W Hollberg)
Riis, E. (Principal Investigator)
Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland
1/03/17 → 31/08/18
Project: Research
All-Optical Diffractive Element Approach to Compact, Simple, Rapid BEC Creation in Space
Griffin, P. (Principal Investigator), Arnold, A. (Co-investigator) & Riis, E. (Co-investigator)
2/01/17 → 1/01/19
Project: Research
Scott Thomas PhD studentship - NPL
Riis, E. (Principal Investigator)
National Physical Laboratory NPL
1/10/16 → 30/08/21
Project: Research - Studentship
Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP 2016-2017 University of Strathclyde) | Johnson, Matthew
Riis, E. (Principal Investigator), Arnold, A. (Co-investigator) & Johnson, M. (Research Co-investigator)
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
1/10/16 → 21/10/21
Project: Research Studentship - Internally Allocated
Industrial Case Account 2015 | Thomas, Scott James
Riis, E. (Principal Investigator), Griffin, P. (Co-investigator) & Thomas, S. J. (Research Co-investigator)
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
1/10/16 → 21/11/22
Project: Research Studentship - Internally Allocated
Industrial Case Account 2016 | Bevington, Patrick
Griffin, P. (Principal Investigator), Riis, E. (Co-investigator) & Bevington, P. (Research Co-investigator)
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
1/10/16 → 25/03/21
Project: Research Studentship Case - Internally allocated
Industrial Case Account 2015 / S151217-109
Riis, E. (Principal Investigator)
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
1/10/15 → 31/01/22
Project: Research Studentship - Internally Allocated
STFC Strathclyde 2015 DTP (Training Grant, Quota Studentships)
Riis, E. (Principal Investigator)
STFC Science and Technology Facilities Council
1/10/15 → 30/09/23
Project: Research - Studentship
SUSSP71 - Frontiers in Quantum Dynamics and Quantum Optics
Jeffers, J. (Principal Investigator), Daley, A. (Co-investigator), Kuhr, S. (Co-investigator) & Riis, E. (Co-investigator)
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
1/05/15 → 30/04/16
Project: Knowledge Exchange (Training / Short Course)
QuDOS: Quantum technologies using Diffractive Optical Structures
Arnold, A. (Principal Investigator) & Riis, E. (Co-investigator)
1/04/15 → 31/03/16
Project: Research