Diane Delaney

Diane Delaney


Personal profile

Personal Statement

I am currently in my writing up stage of my PhD programme.  I have spent the last three years exploring the role and value of parents/ carers (living in Scotland) during their interactions with professionals about the health, wellbeing, and developmental progress of their child at age 3-5yrs.


My research questions were created in response to gaps identified within the Scottish evidence based focusing particularly on children aged between 3-5yrs and the role their parents play when they interact with professionals about their children’s health and wellbeing.  My research is framed within the context of multiple Scottish policies that emphasise the valuable role parents play, not only in discussions about their children but also in supporting and promoting their health, wellbeing and development.


I have a professional background in both health (nursing) and social care (social work), with 23 years of experience across various settings in Scotland.  Currently, I work with parents and professionals to support partnerships in education, and I also work as a seminar tutor in the School of Social Work and Social Policy.


In 2018, I co-founded the Give Them Time Campaign and a support group for parents and professionals.  The campaign aims were achieved in August 2023, where the law changed to provide equity in access to funding for families to defer school start for their eligible 4yr olds (in Scotland).  Although the campaign aims have been achieved, the work continues to improve understanding of parent and child rights.


I am also an active member in both my child's parent council and the locality community council.


I am a passionate advocate for improving practices and driving positive change by integrating the insights and experiences of those with lived experience, alongside evidence-based research.  Throughout my career, I have prioritised promoting equality , social justice, and human rights while addressing the key factors that impact health and wellbeing.  My professional and personal journey has sparked a deep interest in exploring the role and value of parents, focusing on their lived experiences and perspectives.  I am particularly interested in how these align with policy, professional views and practices.  


Education/Academic qualification

Master of Public Health, What are the experiences of parents who were concerned about the wellbeing of their 4yr old child transitioning to primary education?, Glasgow Caledonian University

1 Oct 20191 Oct 2020

Award Date: 1 Oct 2020

Bachelor of Science, Health Studies, Glasgow Caledonian University

1 Oct 20021 Oct 2003

Award Date: 1 Oct 2003