Projects per year
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KA107 staff and PhD students mobility with the University of Belgrade, Serbia
Dimitrijevic, B., Salama, A. & Grierson, D.
1/06/18 → 31/07/20
Project: Knowledge Exchange (Erasmus+)
Development of the Space/Nature Syntax Method
Grierson, D. & Munro, K.
2/10/17 → 1/10/19
Project: Research
ZWS 3C: Zero Waste Scotland Circular Economy Investment Fund Project
Grierson, D. & Dimitrijevic, B.
1/02/17 → 1/02/19
Project: Knowledge Exchange
BC-SDBE:Building Capacity: Sustainable Development of the Built Environment: British Council Newton Institutional Links Project
Salama, A., Grierson, D. & Pour Rahimian Leilabadi, F.
15/10/16 → 30/09/18
Project: Knowledge Exchange
Dimitrijevic, B., Grierson, D. & Salama, A.
15/10/15 → 14/10/18
Project: Knowledge Exchange (Erasmus+)
Participatory Design and its Role in Sustainable Development: Rethinking Technologies for Healthcare and Water Infrastructure in the Developing World
1/10/14 → 28/09/18
Project: Research - Studentship
Sustainable Design and the Impact of Small Scale Renewable Energy Intervention in Rural West Africa
1/10/14 → 28/09/18
Project: Research - Studentship
Analysing and Testing the Architectural & Ecological Model Developed at Arcosanti, Arizona, USA
1/10/13 → 29/09/17
Project: Research - Studentship
Circular Economy: New Opportunities in Design and Construction for Scotland Conference.
1/06/12 → 1/06/12
Project: Knowledge Exchange (Conference / Seminar Hosting)
International Association of People and Space Conference
25/01/12 → 29/06/12
Project: Knowledge Exchange (Conference / Seminar Hosting)
AdvantEdge: Benefit Analysis of Edge Fall Prevention System for Building Construction Projects
1/02/11 → 30/06/11
Project: Research
Benefits Analysis of AdvantEdge Fall Prevention System for Roof Profiles Ltd.
Grierson, D., Grant, S., Munro, K., Ion, B. & Termansen, S.
1/02/11 → 2/06/11
Project: Internally funded project
Promoting Inclusive Education through the Built Environment
1/10/10 → 30/09/14
Project: Research - Studentship
Sustainability Research Panel, Strathclyde Research Day
10/06/10 → 10/06/10
Project: Knowledge Exchange (Conference / Seminar Hosting)
CIC Start Online
Grierson, D., Dimitrijevic, B., Sharpe, T., Rohinton, E., Roaf, S., Brennan, J., Muneer, T. & Moore, D.
1/09/09 → 28/02/13
Project: Knowledge Exchange
Sustainable Engineering EPSRC Studentships
1/10/08 → 30/09/09
Project: Research Studentship - Internally Allocated
Project Gateway to the Professions: Urban Design Skills
1/10/08 → 1/10/09
Project: Research - Institute
Sustainable Engineering EPSRC Studentships
1/10/07 → 1/09/08
Project: Research Studentship - Internally Allocated
MALAMA: Enhancement of Generic Modules within Sustainable Engineering
Grierson, D. & Duffy, A.
1/10/07 → 1/10/10
Project: Research
Visiting Professor in Engineering Design for Sustainable Development
Royal Academy of Engineering RAE
1/10/07 → 30/09/09
Project: Research
Sustainable Engineering EPSRC Studentships
2/10/06 → 3/09/07
Project: Research Studentship - Internally Allocated
Sustainable Engineering EPSRC Studentships
1/10/05 → 1/09/06
Project: Research Studentship - Internally Allocated
Succeeding for the Workplace (Developing Generic Skills Workshops for Postgraduates)
1/10/05 → 1/10/08
Project: Research
Sustainable Design: Community Heating, CHP, and SUDS at Hillhead, Kirkintilloch, Scotland
1/06/05 → 1/06/06
Project: Research
Sustainable Engineering Postgraduate Group Project Conferences
28/04/05 → 24/04/14
Project: Knowledge Exchange (Conference / Seminar Hosting)
Rationalising Postgraduate Provision across the Faculty of Engineering
1/10/04 → 2/10/06
Project: Research
Solar Design at East Govan and Ibrox Phase One Proposed Housing Development
1/03/04 → 6/09/04
Project: Research