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EXTERNALLY FUNDED (COST - European Cooperation in Science and Technology) Global Digital Human Rights Network Annual Conference 2023 (EUR8500) (PI)
Schippers, B. (Principal Investigator)
28/08/23 → 30/08/23
Project: Non-funded project
EXTERNALLY FUNDED (COST - European Cooperation in Science and Technology): Gender, Artificial Intelligence and Digital Human Rights: A Comparative Study of Legal Instruments and Policy Initiatives (EUR2000) (PI)
Schippers, B. (Principal Investigator)
15/05/23 → 31/10/23
Project: Non-funded project
FUNDED PROJECT: Gender, Artificial Intelligence and Digital Human Rights: A Comparative Study of Legal Instruments
Schippers, B. (Principal Investigator)
15/05/23 → 31/10/23
Project: Non-funded project
INTERNALLY FUNDED: GE Birgit Schippers University of Waterloo (£3880) (PI)
Schippers, B. (Principal Investigator)
7/03/23 → 6/03/24
Project: Non-funded project
INTERNALLY FUNDED (SMUCB): Fieldtrip to attend meeting of UN Group of Governmental Experts on Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems in Geneva, 2019 (£750) (PI)
Schippers, B. (Principal Investigator)
1/01/19 → 30/05/19
Project: Non-funded project
EXTERNALLY FUNDED: Political Studies Association Travel Grant 2018 (£500) (PI)
Schippers, B. (Principal Investigator)
1/10/18 → 31/12/18
Project: Non-funded project
INTERNALLY FUNDED (QUB): Queen’s University Belfast Global Challenge Networking Programme Research Fund ‘Security & Justice in the Age of Killer Robots’ interdisciplinary workshop (£2500) (Co-I)
Bourne, M. (Principal Investigator) & Schippers, B. (Co-investigator)
29/06/18 → 30/06/18
Project: Non-funded project
EXTERNALLY FUNDED (Political Studies Association UK): 'Rights in Diverse Societies’ workshop 2016 (£850) (Co-I)
Agarin, T. (Principal Investigator) & Schippers, B. (Co-investigator)
1/05/16 → 30/11/16
Project: Non-funded project
EXTERNALLY FUNDED (Belfast City Council): Civic Hospitality Grant for 2016 Global Studies Association Annual Convention (£500) (PI)
Schippers, B. (Principal Investigator)
1/04/16 → 31/07/16
Project: Non-funded project
EXTERNALLY FUNDED (NI Community Relations Council): ‘Women’s Human Rights & Community Relations’, 2015 (£1750) (PI)
Schippers, B. (Principal Investigator)
1/05/15 → 31/12/15
Project: Non-funded project
EXTERNALLY FUNDED (NI Community Relations Council): ‘After the War: Identity, Human Rights and Commemoration’ 2014 (£1690) (PI)
Schippers, B. (Principal Investigator)
1/01/14 → 31/12/14
Project: Non-funded project
INTERNALLY FUNDED (SMUCB): ‘The Political Philosophy of Judith Butler’ (£1500) (PI)
Schippers, B. (Principal Investigator)
1/03/12 → 30/09/12
Project: Non-funded project
EXTERNALLY FUNDED (British Academy): Julia Kristeva and Feminist Thought (£2707) (PI)
Schippers, B. (Principal Investigator)
1/03/09 → 28/02/10
Project: Non-funded project
INTERNALLY FUNDED (QUB): ‘Gender 2000’ Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Conference (£500) (Co-I)
Schippers, B. (Co-investigator)
1/05/00 → 30/09/00
Project: Non-funded project
INTERNALLY FUNDED (QUB): PhD University Award (PI)
Schippers, B. (Post Grad Student)
1/09/98 → 31/08/01
Project: Non-funded project