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Electrons Make Waves
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Economic and commerce, Other
Energy Access in Rural Malawi
Dauenhauer, P. (Participant), Frame, D. (Participant), (Participant), McArthur, S. (Participant) & (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Economic and commerce, Environment and sustainability - natural world and built environment, Health and welfare - new products, guidelines and services, Quality of life and safety, Education, Policy and legislation, Public understanding, information and debate
Engagement with the Prosthetic and orthotic clinic of the Ministry of social affairs, Banjul, The Gambia
Buis, A. (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Quality of life and safety
Enhanced professional status and employment prospects of refugee teachers
G. (Participant), (Participant) & Menter, I. (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Education, Professional practice, training and standards
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Enhancing analytical capacity and knowledge through economic modelling to strengthen regional policy-making in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Europe.
Allan, G. (Main contact), McGregor, P. (Participant), Swales, J. (Participant), (Participant), (Participant), Figus, G. (Participant) & (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Economic and commerce, Policy and legislation
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Enhancing decision-making through new modelling methods of dependent risks to improve engineered systems and complex projects
Quigley, J. (Main contact), Walls, L. (Participant), Howick, S. (Participant), Eden, C. (Participant), Revie, M. (Participant) & Barlow, E. (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Professional practice, training and standards
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Enhancing entrepreneurial policy, ecosystems and firm growth
(Participant), (Participant) & Drakopoulou Dodd, S. (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Economic and commerce
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Enhancing the Scottish Government’s policy evaluation capacity
McGregor, P. (Participant), Swales, J. (Participant), Allan, G. (Participant), (Participant) & Turner, K. (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Policy and legislation, Economic and commerce
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Equipping trade unions to improve employment relations through achieving performance management reform
Taylor, P. (Main contact)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Economic and commerce, Policy and legislation, Quality of life and safety
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Evaluation of the biological safety of metal-on-metal hip resurfacing implants leads to health benefits for patients
Grant, M. (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Quality of life and safety, Health and welfare - new products, guidelines and services, Professional practice, training and standards
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Flexible But Not Precarious: Towards a Sustainable Social Contract
Cunningham, I. (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Policy and legislation, Public understanding, information and debate
GA Early Years
Impact: Professional practice, training and standards, !!Social impacts, Education
GSK advances research excellence
Kerr, W. (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Health and welfare - new products, guidelines and services, Professional practice, training and standards
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Guidelines and standards which improve design and safety of marine structures subject to steep wave impact
Barltrop, N. (Participant), Vassalos, D. (Participant), Turan, O. (Participant), (Participant), , S. (Participant) & Incecik, A. (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Policy and legislation, Quality of life and safety
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Health and cost benefits of monitoring infectious diseases using novel statistical methods.
C. (Participant), Greenhalgh, D. (Participant), (Participant), McMenamin, J. (Participant), Simpson, C. R. (Participant) & Lone, N. (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Economic and commerce, Health and welfare - new products, guidelines and services
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Health History and the Curriculum for Excellence
Mills, J. (Participant), Newlands, E. (Participant), McIvor, A. (Participant), Smith, M. (Participant), Turner, A. (Participant), Barton, P. (Participant) & (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Culture and creativity, Education
Human development report 2019 UNDP
(Participant), Phoenix, V. (Participant) & (Participant)
Impact: Policy and legislation
Illicit drug analysis as a tool to combat global organised crime
(Participant), Littlejohn, D. (Participant), Kerr, W. (Participant), (Participant), (Participant) & Meier-Augenstein, W. (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Quality of life and safety, Economic and commerce, Professional practice, training and standards
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Images of Research 2015 Public and Urban Health category winner
Ross, K. (Main contact), (Participant) & (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Culture and creativity, Public understanding, information and debate, Education
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Impact from dissemination to public and professional audiences
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Education, Economic and commerce, !!Social impacts
Impact of research on the implementation of EU Cohesion policy on the European Commission's legislative proposals for the reform of the policy
Bachtler, J. (Participant), (Participant), Mendez, C. (Participant), Ferry, M. (Participant), McMaster, I. (Participant) & Michie, R. (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Policy and legislation, Economic and commerce
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Impact on policy, investment and provision of counselling services for young people in the UK
(Participant), (Participant) & Dawson, L. (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Policy and legislation, Health and welfare - new products, guidelines and services
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Improved apportionment of environmental risk and liability through environmental forensics
Kalin, R. (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Economic and commerce, Environment and sustainability - natural world and built environment
Improved diagnosis and benefit to patients with facial palsy from new measurement software
Soraghan, J. (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Health and welfare - new products, guidelines and services
Improved diagnosis and treatment of Hepatitis C patients through Scottish Govt. action plan
(Participant), (Participant) & (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Policy and legislation, Health and welfare - new products, guidelines and services
Improved efficiency and design practice in European maritime industry
I. (Participant), (Participant), (Participant) & Vassalos, D. (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Economic and commerce, Professional practice, training and standards
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Improved group negotiation, problem solving, and strategy making in private and public sector organisations
Eden, C. (Participant) & (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Professional practice, training and standards
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Improved health and survival rates for patients with malignant brain and prostate cancer, and economic benefit from new chemotherapy treatments.
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Economic and commerce, Health and welfare - new products, guidelines and services
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Improved monitoring of graphite cores supports the safety case for life extension of nuclear power stations
West, G. (Participant) & McArthur, S. (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Quality of life and safety, Professional practice, training and standards, Environment and sustainability - natural world and built environment
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Improved patient care through new guidelines for antibiotic dosing and monitoring.
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Professional practice, training and standards, Health and welfare - new products, guidelines and services
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Improved patient outcomes through evidence-based decisions by Scottish and global health organisations
A. (Main contact), van der Meer, R. (Participant), Megiddo, I. (Participant) & Howick, S. (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Health and welfare - new products, guidelines and services
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Improved railway safety through the implementation of a confidential incident reporting and analysis system (CIRAS)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Quality of life and safety, Professional practice, training and standards
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Improved user experience of the Europeana Digital Library through user-centred evaluations
Ruthven, I. (Participant), Dobreva, M. (Participant) & (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Culture and creativity, Public understanding, information and debate
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Improved video surveillance and customer relations management through efficient data representation.
(Participant), (Participant) & (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Economic and commerce
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Improving Europe's micro-manufacturing capabilities
Qin, Y. (Participant), Balendra, R. (Participant) & (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Economic and commerce
Improving maritime safety through the implementation of new international rules and standards.
Vassalos, D. (Participant), (Participant), Jasionowski, A. (Participant) & Turan, O. (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Quality of life and safety, Policy and legislation, Professional practice, training and standards
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Improving outcomes in the care system
Connelly, G. (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Policy and legislation, Professional practice, training and standards, Quality of life and safety
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Improving palliative care through better engagement of community pharmacies.
Bennie, M. (Participant), Akram, G. (Participant) & (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Quality of life and safety, Health and welfare - new products, guidelines and services, Professional practice, training and standards
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Improving Pedagogical Practice
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Education, Professional practice, training and standards, Public understanding, information and debate
Improving policy-relevant analysis in the UK, Europe and USA through novel macroeconometric methods
McIntyre, S. (Participant) & Koop, G. (Main contact)
Impact: Economic and commerce, Policy and legislation
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Increased public and media awareness of voter behaviour at elections
Curtice, J. (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Public understanding, information and debate
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Increasing inward investment in Scotland and enhancing union responses to offshoring and international labour standards
Taylor, P. (Main contact)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Economic and commerce, Policy and legislation
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Influence on judicial decision making and increased public understanding of sentencing practice through implementation of Sentencing Information System
Tata, C. (Participant), (Participant) & Paterson, A. (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Policy and legislation, Public understanding, information and debate, Professional practice, training and standards
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Influencing employment relations policy and practice in the voluntary sector
Cunningham, I. (Participant) & Nickson, D. (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Policy and legislation, Professional practice, training and standards
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Influencing graduate career transitions into quality employment
Scholarios, D. (Main contact) & Okay-Somerville, B. (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Professional practice, training and standards, Education, Economic and commerce
Influencing Professional and Public Debate on Phonics and Literacy Teaching
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Public understanding, information and debate
Influencing the work of Transparency International in monitoring and reporting on global corruption through an online survey.
Rose, R. (Participant) & (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Public understanding, information and debate