- 1 - 50 out of 63 results
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Adoption of behavioural roadside training programme improves children’s road crossing skills.
Thomson, J. (Participant), (Participant) & Foot, H. (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Policy and legislation, Quality of life and safety
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Changes to tutor’s assessment approaches across higher education in UK and Europe
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Education
Contribution to occupational health campaigns, international debate and public awareness of miner’s lung and asbestos related disease and disability.
McIvor, A. (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Quality of life and safety, Public understanding, information and debate, Culture and creativity
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Convincing Evidence of New Markers to Identify the Earliest Signs of Alzheimer’s
Parra Rodriguez, M. (Main contact)
Impact: Health and welfare - new products, guidelines and services
Critical Discourse Analysis in Teacher Education: Power, Place, & Text
Govender, N. N. (Participant)
Impact: Education, Professional practice, training and standards, Public understanding, information and debate
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Cultural, Creative and Economic Benefits of the Edinburgh World Writers' Conference
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Culture and creativity, Economic and commerce
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Delivering rights for Gypsy/Travellers in Scotland: ethnicity defined in law
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Policy and legislation
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Developing training in counselling and the establishment of counselling profession in developing countries
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Health and welfare - new products, guidelines and services
Digital linguistic analysis as a rehearsal tool at Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre
(Participant) & Witmore, M. (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Culture and creativity, Professional practice, training and standards
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Director of Research in two HASS Schools (Law 2009-2013 and Social Work and Social Policy 2016-2019)
Piacentini, L. (Participant)
Impact: Professional practice, training and standards
Distinguishing Law from Government Guidance during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Halliday, S. (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Policy and legislation
Edited book quoted at a UNESCO international forum
Wang, Y. (Participant), Knox, J. (Participant) & Gallagher, M. (Participant)
Impact: Policy and legislation, Professional practice, training and standards, Education, !!Social impacts, Public understanding, information and debate
Enhanced professional status and employment prospects of refugee teachers
G. (Participant), (Participant) & Menter, I. (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Education, Professional practice, training and standards
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GA Early Years
Impact: Professional practice, training and standards, !!Social impacts, Education
Health History and the Curriculum for Excellence
Mills, J. (Participant), Newlands, E. (Participant), McIvor, A. (Participant), Smith, M. (Participant), Turner, A. (Participant), Barton, P. (Participant) & (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Culture and creativity, Education
Impact of research on the implementation of EU Cohesion policy on the European Commission's legislative proposals for the reform of the policy
Bachtler, J. (Participant), (Participant), Mendez, C. (Participant), Ferry, M. (Participant), McMaster, I. (Participant) & Michie, R. (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Policy and legislation, Economic and commerce
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Impact on policy, investment and provision of counselling services for young people in the UK
(Participant), (Participant) & Dawson, L. (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Policy and legislation, Health and welfare - new products, guidelines and services
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Improved railway safety through the implementation of a confidential incident reporting and analysis system (CIRAS)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Quality of life and safety, Professional practice, training and standards
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Improving outcomes in the care system
Connelly, G. (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Policy and legislation, Professional practice, training and standards, Quality of life and safety
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Improving Pedagogical Practice
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Education, Professional practice, training and standards, Public understanding, information and debate
Increased public and media awareness of voter behaviour at elections
Curtice, J. (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Public understanding, information and debate
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Influence on judicial decision making and increased public understanding of sentencing practice through implementation of Sentencing Information System
Tata, C. (Participant), (Participant) & Paterson, A. (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Policy and legislation, Public understanding, information and debate, Professional practice, training and standards
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Influencing Professional and Public Debate on Phonics and Literacy Teaching
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Public understanding, information and debate
Influencing the work of Transparency International in monitoring and reporting on global corruption through an online survey.
Rose, R. (Participant) & (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Public understanding, information and debate
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Language gains for children with persisting developmental language disorders through use of an intervention programme and support model for teachers.
(Participant), (Participant) & , J. (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Education, Professional practice, training and standards
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Launching debate and changing public understanding of Czechoslovakia's treatment of minorities.
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Culture and creativity, Public understanding, information and debate
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Law reform leads to increased protection for victims of domestic abuse
Scoular, J. (Participant), Cavanagh, K. (Participant) & Connelly, C. (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Policy and legislation, Quality of life and safety
Monitoring quality to raise standards of legal practice within the Legal Aid system in the UK
Paterson, A. (Participant) & Sherr, A. (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Policy and legislation, Professional practice, training and standards
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NATO Partnership for Peace Consortium
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Policy and legislation
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One of my articles is in the list of Computers & Education's most cited articles published since 2017
Nikou, S. (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal
Promoting Higher Standards of Media Reporting of Mental Health, Suicide and the Bereaved through Improved Professional Guidelines.
(Participant) & Newton, J. (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Professional practice, training and standards, Policy and legislation
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Remote assessment of health by robots – from anywhere in the world
Parra Rodriguez, M. (Main contact)
Impact: Health and welfare - new products, guidelines and services
Scarred FOR Life, Photography Exhibition
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Public understanding, information and debate, Culture and creativity, Quality of life and safety, Health and welfare - new products, guidelines and services
Scottish Campaign Manager for The Somerville Foundation
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Health and welfare - new products, guidelines and services
Scottish Government
Impact: Policy and legislation
Senior research management, leadership and impact internally and externally
Piacentini, L. (Participant)
Impact: Professional practice, training and standards
Storytelling AI to improve wellbeing of people with dementia
Parra Rodriguez, M. (Main contact)
Subsidies to firms – balancing regional economic development against negative competition effects
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Policy and legislation
The adoption of consistent risk assessment and management techniques by multiple agencies for sexual and violent offenders in Scotland
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Policy and legislation, Professional practice, training and standards