- 6 results
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A Legbank for Colombia
Buis, A. (Participant) & Day, S. (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Health and welfare - new products, guidelines and services, Economic and commerce
Commercialisation of non-invasive wound monitoring system leads to quality of life benefits to patients.
Connolly, P. (Participant) & Hunter, I. (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Economic and commerce, Health and welfare - new products, guidelines and services
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Economic and health benefits from use of the HemoSep auto transfusion system to reduce blood transfusions and related complications during open-heart surgery
Gourlay, T. (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Economic and commerce, Health and welfare - new products, guidelines and services
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Engagement with the Prosthetic and orthotic clinic of the Ministry of social affairs, Banjul, The Gambia
Buis, A. (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Quality of life and safety
Evaluation of the biological safety of metal-on-metal hip resurfacing implants leads to health benefits for patients
Grant, M. (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Quality of life and safety, Health and welfare - new products, guidelines and services, Professional practice, training and standards
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Peek - Portable Eye Examination Kit
(Participant), Bastawrous, A. (Participant), Livingstone, I. A. T. (Participant), Jordan, S. (Participant) & (Participant)
Impact: Impact - for External Portal › Health and welfare - new products, guidelines and services