Reduction, reuse and recycling of dredged sediment

  • Richard Lord (Participant)

Impact: Impact - for External PortalEconomic and commerce, Policy and legislation, Environment and sustainability - natural world and built environment

Who is affected

Scottish Canals (economic & policy impacts)
Environment (other impacts) reducing waste going to landfill
Canal users (social impacts) improved navigation
Scotland's Zero Waste Plan


The linked press article details the current knowledge transfer partnership between Scottish Canals and the University of Strathclyde with the aim of reducing dredged waste going to landfill by identifying sediment or dredging reduction, reuse and recycling options for dredgings. The work has economic impacts for Scottish Canals, together with social and environmental impacts for canal users and the public (improved navigation, reducing landfilled waste, reducing road transport, substituting for primary aggregates)
Impact statusOpen
Category of impactEconomic and commerce, Policy and legislation, Environment and sustainability - natural world and built environment
Impact levelEngagement


  • dredging
  • waste
  • reuse
  • recycling