Influencing the work of Transparency International in monitoring and reporting on global corruption through an online survey.

Impact: Impact - for External PortalPublic understanding, information and debate


Because corruption involves illegal activities of public officials, data about the scale and objects of bribery is not readily available. Without such evidence, policymakers are handicapped in identifying points for effective intervention. Rose’s survey research on post-Communist countries developed innovative measures to monitor the payment of bribes by citizens for public services. Transparency International (TI) is the world’s leading non-governmental organisation campaigning against corruption, and it has incorporated the survey methodology in its key research tool, the Global Corruption Barometer (GCB). From 2008 to 2013 Transparency International has conducted three major rounds of Global Corruption Barometer surveys that interviewed upwards of 450,000 people in more than 110 countries on every continent. Results have been disseminated worldwide through the 90 national chapters of Transparency International. Rose’s expertise in sampling has also been used to improve value-for-money expenditure on GCB surveys in the many developing countries it covers.
Impact statusOpen
Category of impactPublic understanding, information and debate


  • Transparency International
  • corruption
  • Global Corruption Barometer
  • REF2014 impact case study