Improved video surveillance and customer relations management through efficient data representation.

  • John Wilson (Participant)
  • Douglas McGregor (Participant)
  • Richard Fryer (Participant)

Impact: Impact - for External PortalEconomic and commerce


Research on data compression produced novel algorithms that optimise the use of bandwidth and processing power. This research has led to the establishment of a product line that applies these algorithms to video surveillance software, marketed by Digital Barriers plc. Since 2008 this compression technology has allowed the company to grow from 8 to 41 staff and increase revenue from £800K to £6m. Understanding of this novel approach to data compression by ThinkAnalytics plc. led to the optimal design for data compression in their recommender system which is currently being deployed to 130m cable TV customers making this product the most deployed content recommendation system in the market.
Impact statusOpen
Category of impactEconomic and commerce
Impact levelBenefit


  • REF2014 impact case study