Improved patient outcomes through evidence-based decisions by Scottish and global health organisations

Impact: Impact - for External PortalHealth and welfare - new products, guidelines and services

Description of impact

Modelling methods research at Strathclyde enabled the formulation and implementation of health care policy to improve patients’ outcomes in Scotland and internationally. At national level, this strengthened service delivery in Scotland’s National Health Service (NHS), through the scale-up of virtual clinics and sustained delivery of care in hospitals and care homes during the Covid-19 pandemic. Internationally, Strathclyde’s research increased analytical capacity at the World Health Organisation and Global Fund leading to informed strategic allocation of development aid in support of a wide portfolio of health initiatives to reduce morbidity and mortality.
Impact statusClosed
Impact date20132020
Category of impactHealth and welfare - new products, guidelines and services
Impact levelBenefit


  • REF2021 Impact Case