Improved group negotiation, problem solving, and strategy making in private and public sector organisations

Impact: Impact - for External PortalProfessional practice, training and standards


The impact derives from research and development which led to the creation of i) a system and ii) methodology used for strategic problem solving, strategy making, and developing effective collaboration. Specifically, the impact results from the application of the developed Group Decision Support System (GDSS) and accompanying methodology that improves group negotiation and the quality of agreements in organisational settings. The GDSS is innovative computer software (‘Group Explorer’) reflecting a multi-disciplinary approach that enables effective parallel and anonymous communication between group members to construct a visual interactive model. Direct, and anonymous, communication with the model facilitates the management of messy and complex qualitative views. Use of the GDSS has improved the effectiveness of collaboration, strategic problem solving and strategy making by senior teams in the NHS, DECC, Balfour Beatty, EdF, Land Engineering, Strathclyde Police, and Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR), Scottish and Southern Energy, among others within and outside the UK.
Impact statusOpen
Category of impactProfessional practice, training and standards


  • REF2014 impact case study