Driving workplace innovation to transform work and workplaces in Scotland

Impact: Impact - for External PortalEconomic and commerce, Policy and legislation, Professional practice, training and standards

Description of impact

Workplace Innovation (WI) research at Strathclyde’s Scottish Centre for Employment Research (SCER) drove new policy development and practical change within businesses through the creation of a Scotland-wide multi-stakeholder collaborative network. This network co-created interventions that underpinned adoption of WI as a policy priority by the Scottish Government and public agencies, resulting in the promotion and resourcing of WI to improve business performance and national economic performance. Public agencies funded and delivered business support for WI that improved business performance in more than 700 businesses. Moreover, businesses who participated directly in the research (over 50) and many who engaged with the research (over 500) adopted innovative workplace practices that improved performance and employee experience. The research also equipped unions to promote WI in bargaining to the benefit of members as well as driving innovation and modernisation within the bodies themselves.
Impact statusClosed
Impact date20132020
Category of impactEconomic and commerce, Policy and legislation, Professional practice, training and standards
Impact levelBenefit


  • REF2021 Impact Case