Commercialisation of non-invasive wound monitoring system leads to quality of life benefits to patients.

Impact: Impact - for External PortalEconomic and commerce, Health and welfare - new products, guidelines and services

Who is affected

Patients suffering from diabetic ulcers, venous leg ulcers, diabetic foot, pressure sores and post surgical wounds, e.g. Caesarean, will be affected positively by our wound monitoring technology. Clinical staff dealing with these patients will also be positively affected as will health service providers as increased efficiency ( saving of time and wound dressing costs) will translate into lower costs or higher profits depending on whether public or private. Although the initial markets targeted are UK and Middle East based these are truly global markets.


As a result of research on moisture sensing, Professor Patricia Connolly developed and successfully clinically trialled a disposable, sterile, moisture sensor which enabled real-time measurement of the moisture level in a wound without disturbing the dressing. Ohmedics Ltd was spun out in 2009 to market the disposable sensor and associated hand-held meter. The system, known as WoundSense™, gained the CE mark in 2010. The device is available commercially and is in use in hospitals in Saudi Arabia and Qatar, is starting to penetrate international markets, and had first sales to the NHS in the UK in 2012. The system is being piloted for use with remote monitoring ‘telehealth’ technology. The British military currently (July 2013) have the system in clinical trial for monitoring of complex trauma wounds. The creation of Ohmedics has given specialist employment to 6 people in the company and helps support another 4 skilled jobs at UK contract manufacturers.
Impact statusOpen
Category of impactEconomic and commerce, Health and welfare - new products, guidelines and services
Impact levelBenefit


  • REF2014 impact case study