Changes in Government policy on rabies and reductions in cost and inconvenience for travellers with pets

Impact: Impact - for External PortalPolicy and legislation, Economic and commerce


The United Kingdom (UK) is now officially rabies-free. Since 1897 and 1928 respectively, dogs and cats entering the UK were subject to 6 months quarantine to prevent the introduction of rabies. In February 2000, amendments were made to the UK quarantine laws and the Pet Travel Scheme (PETS) was introduced. From 2000 until 2010 Louise Kelly (Strathclyde) was commissioned to use advanced statistical modelling techniques to model a series of changes to PETS which would aim to reduce Government costs, as well as costs and inconvenience to UK pet owners, while ensuring a high level of safety. Consequently, in 2012, changes were made which immediately lead to reduced cost and inconvenience, estimated as £10 million per annum, worldwide. In particular, savings to UK pet owners are projected to reach £7 million per annum.
Impact statusOpen
Category of impactPolicy and legislation, Economic and commerce