Advancing fair work policy and practice in Scotland to benefit workers, businesses and society

Impact: Impact - for External PortalProfessional practice, training and standards, Policy and legislation

Description of impact

Strathclyde’s research on job quality, skills utilisation and workplace partnership has shaped Scotland’s approach to fair work and driven its implementation and ongoing development. By informing the Working Together Review, the research approach and findings drove the establishment of an independent Fair Work Convention, and underpinned the development of the FWC Fair Work Framework. Since 2016, this Framework has influenced Scottish Government policy (the most notable outcome being the publication and pursuit of a Fair Work Action Plan), shaped the priorities and practices of public agencies delivering business support, and changed the practices of employers and unions. This has contributed to improvements in job quality, particularly in relation to job security and effective voice, and ensured targeted responses to particular challenges, including sector-specific issues and the ramifications of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Impact statusClosed
Impact date20142020
Category of impactProfessional practice, training and standards, Policy and legislation
Impact levelBenefit


  • REF2021 Impact Case