Waste facilities footprint VS the polygon size reported by INSPIRE Index polygons

  • Marta Ponti (Editor)
  • Stanley Endley (Creator)
  • Chris White (Supervisor)



Relevant to the text in chapter 2 of the PhD thesis: "An index-based risk assessment for flood impact on waste management facilities for accidental contaminant release in flood waters." Comparison between the actual footprint of a selection of waste facilities (manually checked) versus the size of polygons reported by INSPIRE for England and Wales (2020) (https://www.gov.uk/guidance/inspire-index-polygons-spatial-data), and Scotland (2020) (https://www.ros.gov.uk/about/news/2020/hmlr-and-ros-to-share-inspire-data). The dataset reports the location of the waste facilites in "Projected Coordinate System: British_National_Grid, Projection: Transverse_Mercator". Additional information is available in chapter 2.
Date made available16 Jun 2023
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Date of data production16 May 2022
Geographical coverageGreat Britain

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