Transition Pathway Generation and Demand Data Sets



From the EPSRC Funded Project "Realising Transition Pathways" - more information can be found on the project at

This data set includes quantifications of the annual electricity generation and demand out to 2050 for the UK following the "Transitions Pathway" UK energy sector scenarios - namely Market Rules, Central Coordination and Thousand Flowers. These three scenarios were created and interrogated by the "Transitions Pathways" and "Realising Transition Pathways" consortia and the qualitative descriptors of the pathways quantified into this dataset.

Details on how the data was generated are in the paper "Reconciling qualitative storylines and quantitative descriptions: an iterative approach" which is linked to this dataset - see there for the methodology used to generate the data.

Data given includes:
- Generation profiles for the GB energy system from 2008 to 2050 along the three transition pathways (both the version 1 and version 2 results of the iterative approach). This data is given in TWh (annual) in 5 year time steps.
- Demand profiles for the GB energy system from 2008 to 2050 along the thee transition pathways (both the version 1 and version 2 results of the iterative approach). This data is given in TWh (annual) in 5 year time steps.
Date made available2017
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Date of data production2008 - 2016

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